Unit 6 Exercises
therapeutic involved committed figure out formulate affluent quest the end of the rainbow tie down convinced 1.Fathers are encouraged to be more __________ with their families. 2.Edinburgh sees itself as a university of the new millennium, __________ to research and teaching. 3.I couldn’t ____________ who the lady with the sunglasses was. 4.Researchers are __________ that there is a genetic cause for the disease. 5.Spatial mobility tends to be highest amongst the most __________ groups on the one hand and the poorest on the other. therapeutic formulate quest the end of the rainbow tie down involved committed figure out convinced affluent
6. She didn’t want to be __________ by a full-time job. 7. She loves her life and is immersed in the __________ for knowledge for knowledge's sake. 8. It seems like everybody in America is looking for ____________________. 9. Some claim that the herb has __________ value for treating pain. 10. She has lots of good ideas, but she has difficulty __________ them. therapeutic involved committed figure out formulate affluent quest the end of the rainbow tie down convinced formulate tied down quest the end of the rainbow therapeutic
Translation 我赞成这样的理想:人应该各方面都很出色,既 要有头脑,也要有健美的体格。我希望能得到某 种幸福和快乐。美国是能得到这些东西的最好的 地方,因为这里的人和他们的思想来自世界各地, 至今到美国来寻梦的仍然大有人在。 现在我明白了,决定美国梦能否实现的不是教育, 不是机会,也不是艰苦的工作,而是权势和恐惧 感。你在企业里爬到的地位越高,你失去的东西 就越多。美国梦并没有破灭。今天美国十分流行 的想法就是:千万不能失去梦想。
Translation I believe in the ideal: excellence of the human being, mind and body. I hope to achieve some happiness or delight or whatever. The United States has got the best platform to achieve that with the input of people and their ideas from all over the world. Everybody’s still coming to the United States and looking for the American Dream. The American Dream I see now is governed not by education, opportunity, and hard work, but by power and fear. The higher up in the organization you go, the more you have to lose. The dream is not losing. This is the notion pervading America today: Don’t lose the dream.
Writing Today’s young people are different from their parents in choosing a partner in their marriage. The change is due to the different social environments. Realistic as they are, young people are no less idealistic than their parents.