By: Adham Olivia John Lexi
The UP and a little part of the LP
They lived in birch bark Wigwams What is it made out of? Birch bark from trees and Cattails mats What did it look like? Wigwams are 8 to 10 feet tall Most of the woman made them
What did they eat? They ate Harvested Wild rice Nuts, Yellow, Squash, Fish, Maple sugar, Deer, Beans, Corn, Dogs How did they get their food? Wood land ojibwa’s hunted small animals with snares and Spears. The caught fish using ish hooks with a fishing line made out of sinew[animal muscle]. They were farmers they harvested wild rice and corn they gathered fruits and vegetables.
What were the jobs of men? They were good Hunters,went to war and Harvested. What were the jobs of women? They were Farmers, Child care,they cook And Harvest wild rice.
Men’s clothing? They wore Breech cloth and leggings. Women’s clothing? Long dresses with removeable sleeves, Fancy bead work, Native american headress and Moccasins.
How did they take care of the sick? They used plants They used a special kind of medicine How did they cook there food? They put a pot over the fire How did they entertain themselves? They played lacross.
they were exelent hunters and fisher men, They were good bead makers.
What did children do? They Harvested wild rice, Go to school and do Chores.
Michigan studies werkly vol.8. Great state michigan october The mitten the three fires september