Case Study - Background Joe (14) resides with maternal grandparent – attends mainstream education. Nan Mary (59) - Unemployed Residency Order Referral from school due to behaviours and relationships at home History:- Parent’s drug & alcohol misuse, previous Child Protection. Historic domestic abuse and serious physical assaults from nan’s siblings. Death of nan’s son.
Identified Support Needs Mary Poor emotional & physical health Lack of boundaries & consistency. Nan feeling she was unable to continue to care for Joe Isolation Over protective due to family history Joe Anti social behaviour and association with negative peers within the community. Poor attendance and punctuality in school. Negative relationships with teachers. Breakdown in relationship with nan Displays of anger Health needs
Intervention Co-ordinated multi agency package of support. Partner agencies involvement, working together, having responsibility for actions. Meetings with school, Individual Behaviour Plan in place and improved communication between teaching staff to identify & support Joe’s needs ensuring necessary support in place. Bereavement Support through Bereavement Centre. Direct Work with Young Addaction – Hidden Harm & Drug awareness. 1:1 direct work with Joe -Anger Management/Impact of behaviours. Support for Mary to access health services. Parenting support with Mary, strategies in dealing with negative behaviours and consistency with challenge. Open communication with Police – critical marker on property. Positive interaction from Police.
Outcomes Improved physical and emotional health. Joe now able to identify negative attitude and is able to reflect on behaviours and consistently continues to improve. Positive relationships at home. Child not entering care system. No further involvement or association with anti social behaviour. Involvement in positive activities. Improved school attendance & punctuality – now on time each day School aware of impacting factors and implementing strategies, focusing on positive outcomes. Good relationships with police – Joe becoming involved with activities with police. Nan interacting positively with communication from police. Remains work in progress – however positive engagement & good example of partnership working