Mobile Computing for Mac Users By Alan Doo PPD Christmas Lectures 2009
Macs in Particle Physics During the days of VMS, Mac was a increasingly popular alternative computing platform in Particle Physics. Mac popularity is growing once again. We now have nearly 30 in the department. More are purchased each year. The Dark Matter group have the highest concentration using a variety of Mac desktops, laptops and servers. Departmental service support for Macs already includes Sophos Anti-Virus and will soon be joined by Pakiti, the patch monitoring system. 1
You only support Windows, right? PPD Computing Group is a multi-discipline team. We seek to anticipate and respond to the IT needs of the department. The business IT infrastructure supports, or can be accessed by, non-Windows client Operating Systems, including Mac OS. support in Entourage, Outlook for Mac or Mac Mail via IMAP. File system access using SMB (Server Message Block) connections. Printing using LPR connections via HEPWIN2008A. Lab and department remote access services are readily available to Mac users. VPN connections are quick to set up for PPTP access. SSH connections to Bastion are as straight-forward as a UNIX system. WebDAV support is built-in for Windows DFS file system access. 2 CG currently offer best-efforts support for Mac OS in PPD. We also gratefully acknowledge our expert users.
Can Macs do ______ like Windows? Modern Macs offer a high-level GUI-based interface similar to Windows, but also provide a bridge to UNIX for those who need it. For those who travel or depend on standard STFC Windows applications, a Mac may not be as convenient as a Dell. When considering whether to switch to Mac OS, users should evaluate what changes may be needed in the way they work. 3 Mac OS X is NOT Windows-for-users-who-dislike-Microsoft, any more than Linux is. Power-users or those who work predominantly in a UNIX environment may find a Mac a valuable asset, particularly on the move.
How do I work without my favourite apps? There are many common packages available for Macs. Mac users may also access the PPD Windows Terminal Server using Microsoft RDP client (Remote Desktop). With each iteration of Mac OS, more business features are added. A wealth of GNU/Open Source content is also available online. Microsoft Office for Mac, including a new Outlook in Adobe products such as Acrobat and Photoshop. Many popular browsers are also available. But not IE. 4
But don’t Macs cost so much more? The cost of a 15” MacBook Pro was comparable with a Dell E- series laptop – though the range Dell offer is greater. Other costs will also drive up the TCO, due to the limited warranty, support level and some higher software costs. PPD CG have prepared a new Security Policy which will affect all equipment connected to the internal network. Intel Macs are increasingly being targeted by new and innovative virus and malware attacks. The STFC Security Policies must also be observed. 5