A strong feeling of displeasure with an urge to fight back
Anger Anger is a normal emotion By itself anger is neither good or bad Expressing anger is healthy but losing control is not
Examples of situations that make people angry Break-up Failures Discipline Teasing Jealousy Being Insulted Family Insulted Having to wait too long Someone breaks something of yours Theft Rumors Spread about you
What really bugs me (pet peeves) Material Goods Broken/Lost by someone else Something too difficult for you Incessant questioning Scratching Noises (chalk board) Constant Disruption of Class, Random Crud
Reasons to keep anger under control Laws/Consequences Jail/Prison Community Service Lose Friends Grounded Amish Restriction ISS/In-team Suspension OSS Expulsion Kicked off Team Grades
How do you deal with anger Think about something else Anger Management Mutter, Yell, Call Names The Silent Treatment Fight Back Throw and break things Letting anger out of control can escalate the conflict
Techniques for Controlling Anger Hard Physical Activity The Warning Light Counting to ten Self-Statements Reframing When is it easier to put out a fire when it is small or when it is raging out of control
The Warning Light Imagine you have a warning light in your head. The light should go off when they are angry to remind them to stop and think before they react
Counting to ten It is difficult to be angry and count at the same time. This will give you time to calm down before you react
Self Statements Tell yourself you are calm and in control and make it so. I don’t have to let this get to me. I can handle this. I can stay calm.
Reframing Get a picture of the situation that is making you angry. Then you are going to put a different frame on it. Is this worth getting angry about? Am I sure this person is out to hurt or insult me? Is there another way to get what I want? Try to see it from the other persons point of view Does the other person even care/know that I am angry?