VOYAGER Data Explorer: Architecture and Technologies See also Design and ApplicationsDesign and Applications Built and used Used by a Virtual Community on AerosolsVirtual Community Layered Map Time Chart ProvidersUsers Vector GIS Data XDim Data SQL Tables Web Images Voyager Web Services Publish, Find, Bind Data & Tool Catalog Uniform Access Scatter Chart S u p p o r tC o o r d i n a t i o nT e c h n o l o g i e s
Web Services Components and Actions Service providers publish services to a service broker. Service users find the needed service and get access key from a service broker With the access key, users bind to the service provider The result is a dynamic binding mechanism between the service users and providers Service Broker Service Provider Publish Find Bind Service User Components:Provider – User – Broker Actions: Publish – Find - Bind
Web Application: Chained Web Services A Web Service Provider may also be a User of other services Multiple web services can be chained into an interactive workflow system The result is an agile application that can be created ‘just in time’ by the user for a specific need Service Broker Service Provider/User Publish Find Bind Service User Chain Service Provider Bind Chain
Web Publish HTTP, FTP Data Access though a Web Service Adapter Service Broker Publish Service Consumer Find Access Ordinary web content can be delivered as a Web Service through a Proxy Server. The Adapter Service converts HTTP/FTP service to XML Web service The Adopter Service publishes the web service to the Broker The User finds the data from the broker and accesses the Adapter to get distributed data Service Adapter Web Server Service User Chain
Interoperability through Web Services Interoperability: Independent of platform and language, based on XML Web Services Service Transparency: Published capabilities of components; implementation opaque. Just-in-time integration: Discovery, access to and ad-hoc chaining of services. Legacy Support: Encapsulating existing components and exposing them as services.
4 D Geo-Environmental Data Cube (X, Y, Z, T) Environmental data represent measurements in the physical world which has space (X, Y, Z) and time (T) as its dimensions. The specific inherent dimensions for geo- environmental data are: Longitude X, Latitude Y, Elevation Z and DateTime T. The needs for finding, sharing and integration of geo-environmental data requires that data are ‘coded’ in multidimensional data space
4D Geo-Environmental Data Illustration Animated 3D Maps
Hierarchy of Data Objects: DataGranule, Data Series, DataCube Measure A measure (in OLAP terminology) represent numerical values for a specific entity to be analyzed (e.g. temperature, wind speed, pollutant).OLAP A collection of measures form a special dimension ‘ Measures’ (??Can Measures be Dimensions??)special dimension Data Granules A data granules– discrete, atomic data entities that cannot be further broken down. A data series is an ordered collection of data granules DataSeries is a collection of DataGranules having common attributes All data points in a measure represent the same measured parameter e.g. temperature. Hence, they share the same units and dimensionality. The data points of a measure are enclosed in a conceptual multidimensional data cube; each data point occupies a volume (slice or point) in the data cube. Data points in a measure share the same dimensions; Conversely, each data point has to have the dimensional coordinates in the data cube of the measure that it belongs to. Dimension Y DataSeries Dimension Z Dimension X DataCube DataGranule
Catalog of Multidimensional Datasets Designed to Publish, Find(Select), Bind(Access) and Render distributed datasets Publishing is though an open web interface for user/broker registration of datasets Finding a dataset is aided by a metadata on Provider and Dataset Binding (data access) information is contained in the Dimensional Tables Rendering parameters are also contained in the Dimensional Tables
Multi-dimensional Data Access In array notation, the granule ‘value’ is accessed as –MyGranule = My1DArray(i) –MyGranule = My2DArray(i,j) –MyGranule = MynDArray(i,j,…..n) In order to select a data granule, a controller is assigned to each data dimension 1D Dataset e.g. Time selector i j k j i Data Granule Selection i 2D Dataset e.g. Param & Time selector 3D Dataset e.g. Param, Time & Location
DVoy Data Space Xmin Zmin Xmax Ymin Ymax Data Views Z X Y Data Space for a Measure Ymax XminXmax Ymin Data Zmin Zmax aergqegqet View Data Space Data Granule Measure Data Space
Geo-referenced Map Image: Time Indexed Regular Time Series; Fixed Georect; Image Trim < time_dimension handler_assembly="" handler_class="" start_time=" " end_time="yesterday"> sample_periodicity _unit = "day" sample_periodicity_mult = “1" TOMSFact TimeIndex Int, Calc from date DailyImage Img, Parsed from date LatMin Fixed, -65 LatMax Fixed, 65 LonMin Fixed, LonMax Fixed, 180 TOMSTime TimeIndex DateTime Virtual Tables (No physical StarTables)XML Example: TOMS gif
Geo-referenced Map Image: Image Indexed Variable Time, Var GeoRect, Var Sensor SatGeoImg CapImgIDUniversal ID ProviderURLURL SourceURLURL ImageURLURL ProviderAbbrevNASA GSFC ImageDescriptionText SensorEnumerated DateTime LatMin-65 LatMax 65 LonMin- 180 LonMax180 ImageWidthFor size verification ImageHeight MarginLeftFor trimming MarginTop MarginRight MarginBottom SQL Table … see table left NO DIMENSION TABLES XML Example: SeaWiFS
Astronaut Photos: Image Indexed Variable Time, Image Center, Platform SatImg NASAImageIDUniversal ID ProviderURL SourceURL s/sseop/ S004&roll=E&frame=11079 ImageURL images/ESC/small/ISS004/I SS004-E JPG ProviderAbbrevNASA JSC ImageDescriptionText PlatformISS004 GeoRegionGUATEMALA FeaturesSMOKE, GULF OF HONDURAS DateTime Lat17.6 Lat-90.2 SQL Table <data_source service_url=" /> … see table left XML Example: ISS004
Atmospheric Photos: Image Indexed Variable Time, Image Center, Platform AtmoImg ImageIDUniversal ID ProviderURL /people/RHusar/rhusar.html SourceURL /people/RHusar/Pic/9812San FranciscoAGU/9812SanFra nciscoAGU.htm ImageURL /people/RHusar/Pic/9812San FranciscoAGU/Dcp01000E nh.jpg Provider AbbrevR Husar ImageDescriptionText PlatformAirplane GeoRegionNEVADA FeaturesDUST PLUME DateTime Lat36.75 Lat SQL Table <data_source service_url=" /> … see table left XML Example: Dust Plume Photo
Interoperability through a Layered Protocol Stack Web Services are implemented on a layered stack of technologies and standards The lower layers enable binding and exchange of messages; higher levels enable interoperability Applications are formed dynamically from distributed components through publish-find-bind mechanisms TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP ASCII, XML, etc. HTML, XML OGC -GML OGC Coverage, CoordTransfom, WMS HTTP, SOAP WSDL UDDI OGC Catalog WSFL, XLANG Standards Interoperability Comm. Protocols Data Encoding Data Schema Data Binding Web Service Service Integr. Service Discovery Service Descript. Connectivity
Web Services Standards Discovery and Integration: UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) Service Description: WSDL (Web Services Description Language) Content Envelope: SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Data Encoding: XML (Extensible Modeling Language) Service Chaining:WSFL (Web Services Flow Language, IBM) or XLANG (Message flow language, Microsoft) Chain WSFL/XLANG Service Broker Service Provider/User Publish UDDI, WSDL Find UDDI, WSDL Bind SOAP, XML Service User Chain Service Provider Bind
Publish, Find, Bind Voyager Data Services Architecture Scatter Chart Text, Table Data View & Process Layered Map Cursor Homogeneous data used by Viewing and Processing services in ‘agile’ applications Heterogeneous data: different types, coding and access protocols Connects data providers with data users Transforms hetero to virtual homogeneous data Time Chart ProvidersUsers XML Web Services Satellite Vector GIS Data XDim Data OLAP Cube SQL Table HTTP, FTP Web Text OpenGIS Services Images Access Services Data & Tool Catalog Uniform Access/Retrieval
Select, Overlay, Explore; Multidimensional data Maintain Distributed Data; Heterogeneous coding, access Connect providers to users; Homogenize data access Voyager Spatio-Temporal Data Explorer Built and Used by a Virtual Community Layered Map Time Chart ProvidersUsers Vector GIS Data XDim Data SQL Table Web Images Voyager Web Services Publish, Find, Bind Data & Tool Catalog Uniform Access/Retrieval Scatter Chart
Navigation Service DVoy: Components and Data Flow Legacy Data Publish (DataSet) DataSet Records Provider Descript. Service Descript. Measure Access Find (Measure) DataSet Recs Selected Measure Record Dvoy Data Wrapping WebService Bind (Measure, FocusCube) Data Delivery WebService FocusCube, GlobCursor, Measure, Granule Time Chart Layered Map DataToView DataForCursorAndView Catalog ServiceData Services Data Delivery WebService Presentation Services
Data Focus Range Rendering Cursor Viewer Layers Dim1: Lon Dim2: Lat Data provided by each dimension of a View: Dim1.Type, Dim1.Min, Dim1.Max Dim2.Type, Dim2.Min, Dim2.Max …. Current Dim.Types: Latitude, Longitude, DateTime, Elevation
Federated Data Services Architecture XML Web Services Satellite Vector GIS Data XDim Data OLAP Cube SQL Table HTTP Services Text Data Web Page Text Data Scatter Chart Text, Table Data View & Process Tier Layered Map Cursor Data Warehouse Tier Data View Manager Connection Manager Data Access Manager Cursor-Query Manager OpenGIS Services Data are rendered by linked Data Views (map, time, text) Distributed data of multiple types (spatial, temporal text ) The Broker handles the views, connections, data access, cursor Time Chart
Major Service Categories (OGC)OGC Service CategoryDescription Human Interaction Managing user interfaces, graphics, presentation. Info. Management Managing and storage of metadata, schemas, datasets. Workflow Services that support specific tasks or work-related activities. Processing Data processing, computations; no data storage or transfer Communication Services that encode and transfer data across networks. Sys. Management Managing system components, applications, networks (access).
Semi-Static Views (slices) through 4D Data Space Possible Cross-sections through the 4 D Data space - data point..Temperature (x i, y i, z i, t i ) - image Temperature (x range, y range, z range, t range ) XY MAP: Z,T fixed Vertical Profile:XYT fixed Time Chart: X,Y,Z fixed Vertical Cross sect: YT fixedVertical Cross sect: XT fixed Vertical Profile Trend: X,Y fixed
Data Catalog All the data in the system are to be distributed on the Web and maintained by their custodians The purpose of the catalog is to help finding and and accessing the data Catalog would be limited to data that can be accessed/merged in DVOY
DVoy Queries as Web Services Purpose: Locating relevant data measures fir specific location and time Abstract Query: Find available measures in MyDataCube Web Service: input: MyDataCube; output: List of measures, MeasureDataCube Design: Measure table with bounding MeasureDataCube cubes Implementation: SQL measures table with MeasureDataCube SELECT Measures, MeasureDataCube WHERE MeasureDataCube in MyDataCube Distinct Locations, Times, Heights
D-DADS Architecture (OOOOLD)
Dvoy Proto
DVoy Project Goal: Web based data finding/access/delivery system Support: –EPA WebVis (Stefan):Aug Apr 2003 –NSF Collaboration:Aug Aug 2003 CAPITA $$ is secured until Apr 2003, after that only very limited Need to sell project NOW to continue after Apr 2003 Partners:Bret, Stefan, Poirot, Sci peers
DVoy: Data Access, Display, Browser, Content Data Access: Indexed data access framework. (Kari, ‘done’) Data Display: Spatial, temporal other data rendering (Kari & Jer, not done) Browser: A specific ‘application’ - linked multidim views (Kari & Jer, not done) Content: Encoding and registering data sets (Bob & Sean, in progress)
Project Schedule: May-July 2002 Goal for May-July 2002: Data Viewer, Dvoy Browser May 16: Data access framework ‘ready’ Viewer, some data May 24: Viewer Proto Demo/selling to partners: Bret, Stefan, Poirot, Add content CAPITA Jun 7: Spatial/Temporal Viewer Ready Demo/selling to ‘outsiders’: NASA, NSF Report, NOAA, EPA, Sci. Peers Add content CAPITA, partners Jul 17: Functional browser Develop other ‘applications’ – data finding/renderings service web pages Add content CAPITA, partners
SQL Server Data Access though a Web Service Portal Service Broker Publish UDDI, WSDL Service Consumer Find UDDI, WSDL Access SOAP, XML Ordinary web content can be delivered as a Web Service through a Proxy Server. The Portal Server supplies a web server-to-web-service ‘adapter’ The Portal Server publishes the web service to the Broker The User accesses the Portal to get the distributed Web Server data DataSets TimeView LocView Star Schema DimTables FactTable Service User Chain Service Portal