Welcome to Back to School Night 7 th Grade Magnet Science Room 29 Ms. Lee
Course Outline Based on CA state standards 7 th grade content based on the all 3 disciplines of science: - Earth / Space Science - Physical Science - Focus on Life Science
Cell Biology
Evolution / Earth and Life History
Structure and Function of Living Systems Skeletal & Muscular System
Structure and Function of Living Systems Circulatory System Frog Dissection
Topics in Health
Grading Policy All grades based on individual and group work 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% scale Academic grade based on point distribution based on: - HW and CW - Labs and Projects - Tests and Quizzes
Test Information Absent students must make appointment within 2 days of returning to make up test All graded tests must be signed by parents and returned Content of test: will be given study guide (in lecture notebook)
Up Coming Events/Projects Field trip to CA Science Center (need chaperones) Edible Cell Project Flour Baby Week Nutrition Feast Health Magazine Project ABC Book (in lieu of Final Exam)
Thank you for coming…