Welcome to FCAT Parent Night January 18, th Grade Students
The Florida Comprehension Assessment Test (FCAT) is part of Florida’s overall plan to increase student achievement by implementing higher standards for public school students. The FCAT has four sections: reading, writing, science and math. What is the FCAT?
All public school students in grades 3-10 are required to take the FCAT. The tests are administered only in public schools. Who takes the FCAT?
The FCAT is given to measure achievement of the Sunshine State Standards that are being taught and learned by Florida students. Why do students take the FCAT?
APRIL 2012 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday 16 FCAT 17 FCAT 18 FCAT 19 FCAT 20 FCAT 23 FCAT 24 FCAT 25 FCAT 26 FCAT 27 FCAT
Read with them every night. Ask your child about what he or she is reading (characters, setting, problem, resolution). Use task cards (attached) to monitor comprehension. What can you do to help your child in reading?
How Are We Helping Your Child Tutoring In class Intervention Pull-out Programs Technology Programs
Reading FCAT
How will Reading be assessed? FCAT Reading items on the test 50% Literary Text 50% Informational Text Answers may be Multiple Choice
Types of Literary Texts Short stories Poetry Historical fiction Fables Folk tales, tall tales Legends Myths Fantasy Drama Excerpts from longer works Nonficition Biographical/Autobiographica l stretches Diaries, memoirs, journals, letters Essays (personal and classical narratives) critiques Types of Informational Texts Primary Sources/Nonfiction Historical documents (e.g. Bill of Rights) Essays (e.g. Informational, Persuasive, Analytical, Historical, Scientific) Letters, Journals, Diaries Secondary Sources/Nonfiction Magazine articles Newspaper articles Editorials Encyclopedia articles Functional Materials Consumer documents (e.g. Warranties, manuals, contracts, and applications) Embedded in text (e.g.tables, charts, maps, graphs, illustrations, photographs, captions, text boxes) How-to articles Brochures, flyers Schedules Website pages
This website offers games with objectives that correlate with the FCAT tests, as well as practice test. (Students need the passwords received to log in). This website provides general information on the FCAT in both English and Spanish. FCAT released test and answer key that can be used for practice This website allows students to practice reading comprehension by reading short passages and answering questions. (Students have login and password to get in) This website allows students to practice reading skills through guided reading and vocabulary extension activities. This website allows students to practice reading strategies through multiple choice, short response, and engaging activities. Great Websites
Spectrum – 5 th grade Show What You Know – on the 5 th grade FCAT (these books can be purchased at Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, or Borders) Great Books
What can you do to help your child in Reading? Use task cards given at the beginning of the year to assess comprehension on any type of reading your child does. Make sure your child is reading 30 minutes as required for class. Have your child visit the websites provided on the website list.
5 th grade will be multiple choice (35-40), gridded response (10-15), How will math be assessed?
Number Sense, Concepts and Operations Measurement Geometry and Spatial Sense Algebraic Thinking Data Analysis and Probability What will be assessed?
Review math homework every night. Help students relate math to every day situations. Use task cards (previously given) to create math problems and practice What can you do to help your child in Math?
Websites to help your child in math?
Science FCAT
5 th graders will be assessed in Science. Who will take the Science FCAT?
5 th grade will be multiple choice ONLY!!! 5 th graders will have approximately 60 minutes per test. How will Science be assessed?
The Nature of Matter Energy Force and Motion Process that shape the Earth Earth and Space Processes of Life How living things interact with the environment Nature of Science What will be assessed?
Read and discuss science book or any other science related reading materials. Encourage your child to investigate different science questions (experiments). Help child make a correlation between the real world and what they are learning in science. What can you do to help your child in Science?
Review science vocabulary. Scientist of the Month Projects Allow child to participate in field-trips What else can you do to help your child in Science?
Websites to help your child in Science?