Vocabulary List #2 SAT Prep words English 11
1. impotent (adjective) powerless; lacking strength Synonyms: ineffective; helpless Prefix: im- not ▫Not strong or powerful Double click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
2. antithesis (noun) an exact opposite Synonyms: converse Antonym: same Prefix: anti-, opposite the opposite of something Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
3. maelstrom (noun) a whirlpool; turbulence; agitated state of mind Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
4. emendation (noun) a correction Synonym: improvement; amendment Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
5. chagrin (noun) embarrassment; complete loss of courage Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
6. labyrinth (noun) a complicated network of winding passages; a maze Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
7. gloat (verb) to look at or think about with much satisfaction Synonym: to revel in Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
8. impediment (noun) a barrier; obstruction Synonym: obstacle; hindrance Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
9. bestial (adjective) savage; brutal Synonym: brutish; vile; cruel Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.
10. bland (adjective) mild; tasteless; dull Synonym: smooth; agreeable Click on audio file to hear pronunciation.