By: Jackie Nietert & Josh Oleksiak
Shahadah Basic confession of faith Said many times daily “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah” 2 nd part sums up the Muslim principle of revelation Confess Muhammad is prophet of Allah, confess Quran verses are word of Allah
Salat Second pillar of Islam Pray five times a day, at daybreak, noon, mid- afternoon, sunset, and before bed Made up of prescribed ritual washings and portions of the Quran to be recited in Arabic 1 st surah is always recited Every Friday must perform Salat in communal setting with imam (teacher)
Zakat Third pillar Almsgiving Islam regards all wealth as belonging to god Every Muslim has to give 2 and a half percent of his wealth Zakat means “sweetening”
Sawm Fourth pillar Fasting Fast during month of Ramadan Ramadan is the month in which Muhammad obtained his 1 st revelation Every adult Muslim has to abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse dawn to sunset for entire month Fasting is done to increase self-discipline and for the praise of Allah
"The Crescent Star of Islam." Islam. Web. 5 Nov "Islam." LCMS. N.p., Web. 5 Nov