Ostriches Ostriches By: Jake One evening I was walking on the plains of Africa and I saw a large bird. I had no clue what it was! So I grabbed a tool out of my book bag and researched it.
Classification Are you ready to hear some extraordinary about the classification of ostriches?! An ostrich is a bird. It is classified as a bird because it has wings, it is warm blooded, ( Warm blooded means its body temp. stays the same.) it breathes with lungs, it is covered in feathers, and its babies are hatched from eggs. An ostrich has long stable legs. Its head sits on a tall smooth neck. An ostrich is a vertebrate. This means that an ostrich has a backbone (a spine). That’s all the classification for an ostrich!
Habitat Do you want to go see these amazing ostriches, then listen up! I'm going to tell you about their habitat! Ostriches live on the plains of the North- West, East and the South of Africa. When you find them they might be running around or sticking their head in the sand because they’re scared! That is where ostriches live!
Food & Feeding You better stay out of the plains because I’m going to tell these cool ostriches food and feeding facts! Ostriches eat insects and small animals. This makes ostriches omnivore. As an adult an ostrich cannot be eaten, but as a baby chick wild dogs, hyenas, and large birds of prey eat baby chicks. The adults follow zebras into the plains to eat. That is all the food and feeding facts for an extraordinary ostrich!
Life Cycle Do you know the life cycle of an ostrich? Well it is very interesting! So come on and lay an egg! 1 st the female ostrich lays an egg. 2 nd The baby chick inside the egg stays in the egg for 6 weeks. Soon the baby chick starts trying to crack the egg. But since the egg is SO big it takes 2 days to do! 3 rd the ostrich is a small chick for 2-3 days. In that stage it is 1ft tall. 4 th the ostrich is a chick for 2-3 years. 5 th the ostrich is an adult. An ostrich can live for years! That is the life cycle of an amazing ostrich!
Adaptations These speedy ostriches have some “quick” adaptations! So come on and stick your head in the sand! Ostriches have feathers that keep them warm and dry. This is a physical adaptation. 2 nd ostriches have long legs that help them run fast. This is a physical adaptation. Ostriches stick their head in the sand when they are scared. This is a behavioral adaptation. That is some adaptations for an amazing ostrich.
Ostriches in the End In the end I figured out it was an ostrich. Well now we both know a lot about ostriches! I think ostriches are cool, you should too!
Resources Used nsbs/alt-ag/ostrich.htm us&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=ostriches&aq=f&aqi=g6g-m4&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&start=0 Ostriches and Other Flightless Birds By: Caroline Arnold