By Rían and John With the help of the Internet
Australia - Facts It is bigger than Ireland It is the only country to take up a continent. The capital is Canberra The population is about 20,500,000 English is the most spoken language
Box Jellyfish
Facts Box jellyfish are the only jellyfish that can see. They can kill This is what happens when you get stung by one: !
Boring Stuff The box jellyfish has been called the world's most venomous creature. Only a few species in the class have been confirmed to be involved in human deaths, and some species pose no serious threat . For example, the sting of some types only results in short-lived itching and mild pain. In some cases though death comes as quickly as within 2 to 5 minutes.
Stuff It eats small animals like shrimp, plankton, fish, crustaceans and even other jellyfish. They reproduce by laying eggs. After a while the baby hatches out of the egg. It swims away and grows bigger.
What does it look like???????? A Jellyfish ( Well Duh. What did you expect????? )
What it actually looks like..... Anything but this
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