By Taylor Reiten
Plain’s zebra Grevy’s zebra Mountain’s zebra
All three types of zebras live in Africa. Plain’s zebras live on the Savanna grasslands of the eastern and southern Africa. Grevy’s zebras are found in the wild in Kenya and Ethiopia. Mountain zebras live in South Africa on rough, rocky highlands, but once also lived in large groups in the grassy lowland plains.
Each type of zebra has different stripes and no zebra has the same as any other. The Plain’s zebra has the widest stripes of all zebras, and the stripes continue down to the belly of the animal. The stripes of the Plain’s zebra begin to faint and almost disappear in the southern populations. There are several subspecies of the Plain’s zebra and they are all categorized by the pattern of stripes on their rump. The Mountain zebras stripes are slightly wider and shorter than the Plain’s and Grevy’s zebras stripes. The Grevy’s zebra stripes are very narrow and do not cross over the lower back like the Mountain zebras stripes do.
The Plain’s zebra stands about inches tall at the shoulder. The Mountain zebras are the smallest zebras and they stand about 4 ft at the shoulder and weigh about 600 lbs. The Grevy’s zebra stands about 5 feet tall at the shoulder and weighs about 990 lbs.
Zebras are very strong and are fast runners. When it comes to hunting or surviving predators, their running speed can get so fast that it would almost be unreal and that’s when they run the fastest. Zebras can run as fast as 40 mph.
Predators of zebras are hyenas, lions, wild dogs, tigers, leopards, and cheetahs. When a family of zebras are being attacked, the members form a circle, face the predator, and watch it being ready for them to bite or kick. If a family member is injured the family members will get close and guard it from getting further attacked.
Zebras only eat grass or anything green in the pastures and they drink out of water holes or anywhere they find water. Zebras do not eat meat, they are herbivores.
Zebras bear every year. Zebras are pregnant for one year and bear one cub. Zebra cubs weigh kg The cubs know their mother by their smell and coloring.
Zebras live on average up to 12 years of age in the wild and live older when they are in a zoo. Baby zebras will live just fine if they are taken care of the right way and nurtured by their mothers. Mare zebras live longer than Stallion zebras.
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