Introduction We recently conducted market research within our own customer base. The pool was made up of all Subaru customers who purchased new vehicles between Sep 2014 and May The purpose of the research was to get an overall picture of the demographic, interests and reasoning within our recent customer base. In total, 74 respondents completed the questionnaire. The sample size is big enough to draw valuable conclusions and we’ll use these in future marketing efforts. The following results indicate what type of buyer Subaru is currently attracting.
Introduction OTHER: Past experience Rally History Saw one on the road Research Already have one
Introduction Dealership Google
OTHERS: Toyota Nissan
Conclusions Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN is our best performing areas. Forester is the main seller with new Outback and XV also doing well in the past 6 months 44.5% is over 60 years of age, predominantly male. 51% bought their first Subaru so we are succeeding in reaching and influencing a new target market. The vehicle specs (capability) is the most common reason for purchasing, followed by safety and brand. These are the 3 reasons we want to see and what we need to focus on in marketing. Referrals, previous experience and media write-ups feature highest in channels that made customers consider Subaru. Clear that trusted/personal feedback counts most. Alternative marketing channels are used for frequency and awareness.
Conclusions Visiting our website is normally the first step although contacting the dealership also featured very high. Clear that these are the 2 most important touch points with our customers. Need to continue investing in search engine and our website as this is where most people search for us and research our cars. Free time is dominated by anything outdoors which fits our adventure theme and points to people who love to explore and experience life. Exercise, family road trip and staying home with the family were alternative options chosen. A wide range of alternative brands were considered but Volvo seem to be most common. We are definitely saying the right things and people are buying for the right reasons, the challenge now is to get these messages to more people in order to increase the reputation of our fantastic brand.