facebook John Lennon is on the way to the studio to help out my dear Yoko! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout View photos of John Lennon (5) Send John Lennon a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: New York, New York Birthday: October 9, 1940 Political: Does not believe in Politics Religion: Atheist Hometown: Liverpool, England Friends PaulRingoMarilyn YokoGhandi John Lennon is on the way to the studio to help out my dear Yoko! December 8, 1980 George Paul McCartney to John Lennon Great show at Shea Stadium tonight man! August 16, 1965 John Lennon is “bedding – in” with Yoko! Give Peace a Chance! March 20, 1969 John Lennon is going to be on the first cover of this new magazine called “Rolling Stone” November 6, 1967 John Lennon is ready for the release of “The Beatles First” June 19, 1964 John Lennon “Love it a Flower you’ve got to let grow!” October 3, 1964
Personal Information facebook John Lennon is on the way to the studio to help out my dear Yoko! WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout View photos of John Lennon (5) Send John Lennon a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: New York, New York Birthday: October 9, 1940 Political: Does not believe in Politics Religion: Atheist Hometown: Liverpool, England Photos Networks: New York, New York Sex: Male Birthday: October 9, 1940 Hometown: Liverpool, England Relationship Status: Married to Yoko Ono Political Views: Does not Believe in Politics Religious Views: Atheist Activities: Peace Efforts, Touring the World, Free Love Interests: Playing guitar, My family, Writing Music Favorite Music: Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Bruce Channel, Roy Orbison, Little Richard Favorite Movies: A Hard Days Night, Help!, Magical Mystery Tour, Let it Be, Yellow Submarine Favorite TV Shows: The Ed Sullivan Show, The BBC Favorite Books: Alice in Wonderland, Once a Man, Twice a Child, The Family Updated one month ago 2 Albums The Band Updated just a moment ago Contact Information Address: 1 West 72 nd Street NY, New York Phone Number: (843)
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn LennonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of John Lennon 8 Photos John Lennon’s Albums 2 Photo Albums The Family 5 photos The Band 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo John Lennon is on the way to the studio to help out my dear Yoko!