Music Education and Classroom Management
-Racist/Prejudiced comments towards other students -Falling into the stereotype Only 32.6 percent graduation rate for African American students at Olivet College. -In recent years, the graduation percentage at Olivet College has dropped 26 percentage points. Ethnicity
Addressing Ethnic Differences in the Classroom -Treating everyone equally -Pushing all students towards success -Keep an eye out for any racial slurs or comments
- Students are allowed to pray as long as it is not disrupting a class and can not be lead by a teacher. - Students can start religious clubs and have a teacher monitor them as long as it is only student lead. - Religion should only be presented in a class when there is an academic level to the lesson.
Religious Music Classes Court Cases -In the case Stratechuk V. Board of Education South Orange-Mapplewood School District. Michael Stratechuk who has children at this school sued against a rule banning religious music from holiday concerts. -He stated that the school was “ hostile to religion” and said his children had the right to learn about religious music.
Religious Music Classes Court Cases - Florey V. Sioux Falls. Roger Florey is an atheist who said that the use of his child's choir singing the song “Silent Night” violated the separation of church and state. - In Bauchman V. West High School a fifteen year old student filled a law suit stating that the Christmas songs they preformed were sung prayers and therefore violated her constitutional rights.
Questions Teachers Should Ask Themselves 1. Is the music selected on the basis of its musical and educational value rather than its religious context? 2. Does the teaching of music with sacred text focus on musical and artistic considerations? 3. Are the traditions of different people shared and respected? 4. Is the role of sacred music one of neutrality, neither promoting nor inhibiting religious views? 5. Are all local and school policies regarding religious holidays and the use of sacred music observed? 6. Is the use of sacred music and religious symbols or scenery avoided? Is performance in devotional settings avoided? 7. Is there sensitivity to the various religious beliefs represented by the students and parents?
Things to Keep In Mind - When in doubt on what is appropriate for a school setting look and make sure that it is in the guidelines of the school rules and state rules. - Most teachers rarely get sued themselves on this topic and schools usually win in these cases. - Be aware of how your students feel and act to make the classroom a neutral peaceful zone away from other classrooms.
Sexual Orientation Statistics In Classrooms - 9/10 LGBT H.S students are verbally harassed - 60% feel unsafe - 1/3 LGBT are absent or miss class - Almost ½ experience harassment or assault -2/3 of LGBT students hear homophobic remarks from school personnel
How Can Teachers Help? - Post a “safe zone” sign - Confront homophobic remarks - Seek opportunities - Don’t assume any student is gay - Organize and encourage -If your school has a Gay-Straight Alliance -Volunteer or contribute
As Teachers we have to… - Put our personal belief aside - Understand that every student is equal - Be supportive - Be there for every student
Music Classroom - Students must feel comfortable to express feeling - Music is emotional and expressive - It is the teachers job to make it a safe environment
Special Needs/Emotionally Unstable - Any student with special needs/emotional instability is issued an IEP: (Individualized Education Plan). - Any student with an IEP can request accommodations when being taught, which can help them succeed in school in a way that better fits them.
Common Types of Learning Disabilities in the Classroom -ADHD -Autism -Dyslexia -Dysgraphia -Dyspraxia -Dysphasia -Auditory Processing Disorders -Visual Processing Disorders
How to Accommodate LD Students in a Music Classroom -Give them ample time when learning new pieces/material -Place student around leaders in the class -Give student one on one attention -Provide student with support to succeed
Resources! statements/sacred-music-in-schools/ Sexual Orientation and Music Education: Continuing a Tradition Louis Bergonzi Music Educators Journal 2009:96:21 DOI:10:1177/