Thursday, February 26, 2015
1. It’s an academic project in Social Studies and ELA. 2. Students choose a topic that fits the yearly theme: Leadership & Legacy in History. 3. Projects require students to: complete extensive research. compile an annotated bibliography. write a thesis statement and process paper. construct a cumulative project. 4. Students present that project to judges at our local event – Thursday, February Students choose to participate in competition.
Why do we do it? Research shows that it gives students an academic advantage. The project meets a huge number of Common Core Standards in ELA and Disciplinary Literacy. The experience encourages higher level thinking skills. It helps students see the importance of history beyond the classroom. Etc.
This is an important month for parents/guardians to discuss decisions with your student. 1. Topic Selection It’s a long project – make sure they are really interested. Help them find something that clearly fits the theme. 2. Individual vs. Group What is the choice that will be best for your student? Groups can be great, but consider: Schedules Limited school work time Work ethic Location Help us stay on top of group functionality – call if you sense trouble.
Students can work with any HMS 8 th grader in groups of up to 5 (groups of 2 or 3 typically work better). All groups need to be endorsed by parent/guardian. Watch for the form to come home on Nov. 13. Students can switch groups until we start library field trips – new forms need to be signed by all group members. After library field trips, students may break away from a group but may not join another group – all parties may keep the topic. Once we hit February 6 th, groups need to stay intact – call immediately if you sense trouble.
Students will be working on: Initial research – filling in the basic outline of facts Starting their bibliography Primary and Secondary source folders Card catalog searches – in preparation for library field trips. Writing guiding questions for research.
Students will be working on: Research, Research, Research! Updating their annotated bibliography. Writing a thesis statement. Beginning work on their process paper. **Due dates/grades: Many formative assessments and checks Process paper, bibliography, and project cannot be turned in late and cannot be redone.
Students will be working on: Constructing the project – 5 categories. Exhibit Historical Paper Performance Documentary Website Comparing the information in the project to the rubric. Preparing to meet the judges. Watching due dates carefully. Feeling brilliant on National History Day!
Check in with students daily/weekly Help them establish goals and an organization method Watch for forms and information to come home: Newsletter Letter/calendar/rubrics with Quarter 2 report cards Encourage their research and analytical /critical thinking. Bring them to the January Library Research Nights. Help students compare the project to the rubric. Don’t underestimate their ability – they will be brilliant! Remind students that the project can look stunning, but if the information isn’t there, it won’t do well. Help them choose appropriate attire to meet the judges. Be their biggest fan at Open House!
Advice Questions?