Who am I? Hello I’m Jophiel Silvestrone with SkyPoint Studios! I grew up on a ranch out by Chico Hot Springs My family still runs that ranch as vacation rentals dhgranch.com I’m the founder of SkyPoint Studios skypnt.com SkyPoint is based on the heart of Billings, just as the structure is an integral part of our city.
What We Will Cover Today Why to use social media How to use a Facebook page to increase business/cause visibility How to use Twitter to expand reach & discover resources How to build a killer LinkedIn profile How Pinterest can get products/services in front of interested customers
What We Will Cover Today Cont. Q & A session after each social network Broad general question session after the presentation Break out work session/lab with one-on-one help Google reviewing of our neighbors Prize drawings at the end
Can Social Media benefit me? Increase brand recognition Leverage the power of a network Make new connections Create interest in sales/events Develop relationships Support local & industry related business Increase sales!
What’s the difference? Facebook is for connecting with family & friends. Twitter is for connecting with industry & thought leaders. LinkedIn is for building & displaying resume Pinterest is for finding & sharing inspirational ideas.
Facebook Pages are managed by Profiles Facebook can be used as Page Liking other Pages as Page Newsfeed for Page Liking & interacting with other Pages as Page Page profile icon & banner sizing Power of Likes
Importance of Likes Likes are the digital currency of Facebook Must have 25+ likes to get a custom URL: facebook.com/mypage Higher liked pages show up first in Facebook search Having more than 500+ likes influences how Google & Bing ranks your website in search results.
Facebook Reviews Reviews influence the visitors of your page the most Positive reviews help move up the page in Facebook search Negative reviews can move a page down in Facebook search It’s possible to disable reviewing (page settings)
Facebook Page Posting Ability Depending on the nature of the page, you may not want others to be able to post Posting and sharing images by others is turned on by default Click on settings Then click on “Posting ability” (toggle off both)
Using Facebook as Page Log in to personal profile (that has the page) Click on drop down arrow in top right corner Select “Use Facebook as –your page-” Then find search at top of page Search for local/industry businesses Like their pages and then click “Home” Interact with those pages by liking/commenting
Facebook Drop Down Arrow Click arrow on top to use Facebook as page
Page Profile Icon Sizing Profile icons will look out of shape if they are not the exact size before uploading Use Paint.net software to adjust image sizes Download from filehippo.com by searching for paint.net Create 180 X 180 pixel white box Put 160 X 160 pixel image over top and center
Page Cover Sizing Page covers allow the most real estate for branding purposes The cover size is precisely 851 X 315 pixels Note that the bottom left corner of the cover will be covered by the profile icon
Facebook Questions?
Twitter Create page using account (save this) Design background & choose colors What is a tweet? What is a re-tweet? What is a favorite? How # hashtags work How to be successful on Twitter
Create Twitter Page Go to twitter.com/signup Create a Twitter header, which is twice the size of Facebook’s cover at 1500 X 1500 pixels Twitter profile icons are 400 X 400 pixels Using paint.net’s color dropper tool, select the hex colors from your logo to use as the page links and text colors (find under settings > design > customize your own
What is a tweet? Tweeting is a form of micro-blogging that is limited in size to only 140 characters Such limitations make the tweets limited to useful information and links Create a tweet by crafting a news headline like status and possibly adding a link To gain more space with links use a service like bit.ly
Spice up those tweets! Using hashtags # is a great way to further the reach of a tweet Hashtags are an organizational tool that puts all hashtags in chronological order in the general search of Twitter For example: “Enjoying our #socialmediaclass” would put our tweet amongst all the other tweets that are talking about #socialmediaclass
Spice up those tweets! Tag another Twitter user in your tweet by using symbol in front of their twitter username For example: “I loved the class put on on social media!” This will tag the other Twitter page and give them a notice that you mentioned them Tagging & hashtags are a great way to get free marketing!
Twitter Questions?
LinkedIn Largest professional network on the web Can be intimidating to start Small bites is best way to build profile Add current position/ build portfolio Add connections Add endorsements How to prioritize time on the network
Getting started with LinkedIn Create a profile with an account (save this) Add a recent good, professional profile picture Write out a biography of your professional career (may help to do this in chunks) List positions held (don’t have to put all, just the ones of note)
LinkedIn Success Add projects that are noteworthy and tie them to positions (preferably have the most projects tied to current position) Add skills for endorsement (up to 50) Go out and endorse others for their skill sets (this ups your chances of being endorsed back) Take a task to complete each week
LinkedIn Success Cont. Join all relevant professional groups (but turn off notifications as they can get a bit overwhelming) Don’t worry too much about posting in the general news feed unless you have extra time LinkedIn is different than Facebook or Twitter in that updating the status is not that important, better to spend that time building your profile.
LinkedIn Questions?
Pinterest Create business page Visually impressive Only viable for certain industries Quality imagery Short snippets/recipes Share option for website Who pins?
Pinterest for Business Start a Pinterest business page by going to business.pinterest.com Fill out the form and choose a good extension for business page i.e. pinterest.com/mybusiness Follow any boards/pins that would relate to your business
Pinterest Boards & Pinning Pinterest is based on the old school cork boards and thumb tacks A board on Pinterest is a category that can have pins attached Create a board that will be related to your business Find and add pins that are related to that board
Create a Pin on Pinterest Click on “pins” when on home page Click “add a pin” and then select “from the web” or “your computer” For the web, put in the address of the domain you want to share pins from (your website) Select from images that pop up Add to board or create board is necessary Describe the pin & then pin it!
Pin Example
Pinning the Best Pins work best if they have a high quality image and offer a value to the “pinner” Recipes are one of the most popular pins on Pinterest because of their value offered to the “pinner” Try to make your pins info valuable enough that others will want to save it for later (hence the whole reason for pinning)
Pinterest Questions?
Final Questions? ?
Prize Drawings Add business card/ name on paper to hat Draw for: 5,000+ Facebook likes campaign 5,000+ Twitter followers campaign 1 Twitter business set up package Thanks for coming!!