Oct 4, Look on the door and find your name and your assigned sheet 2.Pick-up Folder 3.Warm-Up 8 minutes: 1.RSG Pages 39 & 40 DLG: Identify the political, social, and economic values shared by British colonists and how the shared values contributes to America forming it’s Identity. HW: (1) Do RSG Pages 41 & 42 – you will only have 5 minutes of class time (2) Chap 5 Quiz – Friday, Oct 8.
Grade RSG Six Weeks Test – Most Wronged Questions On your copy of the test: 1.For each question, choose from the choices below to explain why your answer is wrong 1.Miss-bubbled 2.Skipped the question 3.Didn’t understand what the question was asking 4.Didn’t understand the vocabulary 2.Use your notes to correct the questions that are wrong Section 1 Notes 1.Create a US History Folder 2.Inside of the “US History Folder”, Create a 2 nd 6 weeks Folder 3.Download the Chap 5 – American Identity Notes from my website 4.Save the notes in your US History Folder/2 nd 6 weeks Folder 5.Open Chap 5 – American Identity Notes Comprehension Squares What are some beliefs and values are shared by the British colonists? PAT Tuesday, Oct
Oct 5, Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.Finish RSG Pages 41 & 42 DLG: Identify the political, social, and economic values shared by British colonists and how the shared values contributes to America forming it’s Identity. HW: (1) Chap 5 Quiz – Friday, Oct 8.
Grade RSG Chapter 5 notes All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. And now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day wherein Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open, and stands in calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners…How awful it is to be left behind at such a day! Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” John Locke How were the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment different?
Oct 6, Warm-Up 6 minutes: 1.Read the quote on page 125 in the textbook and answer the questions below in your notebook: 1.What’s the tag line? 2.What are the 4 keywords? 3.What is the main idea of the excerpt? 4.Read quotation again and answer the questions: 1.Which liberties does Mather say are restored to the colonists? 2.What phrase implies that eligible colonists have the right to vote? DLG: Explain the rights that colonists expected to have and how those rights caused the growth of representative government (America’s Identity) government. HW: (1) Do RSG Pages 43 & 44 – you will only have 5 minutes of class time (2) Chap 5 Quiz – Friday, Oct 8.
Representative Gov Analysis Activity – 20 minutes You will analyze excerpts from the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Conn, Virginia House of Burgess: 1.Divide the class into five or six groups of no more than three or four students each. Each group will be assigned one of the Foundations of Representative Gov. 2.In addition to everyone answering the questions, assign additional roles within the group 1.Facilitator – keeps things moving 2.Recorder – writes info on chart paper 3.Timekeeper – Keep tracks of time 4.Reporter – reports groups responses 3.Your Task is to identify the following information for your assigned Representative Gov (websites on next slide) 1.What type of document is this? 2.When was it created? 3.Where was it created? 4.Why was it created (purpose)? 5.Who is impacted? 6.How did it impact the growth of representative government (the provisions)? 4.Write your responses on “Big Sheet of Sticky Note”
Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders of Conn Virginia House of Burgesses
Discuss Representative Gov Analysis Activity Complete your chart 1.From my website, Click on Regular US History Assignment 2.Download the 5 W’s & H Chart 3.Save the document to your US History Folder/2 nd 6 weeks Folder 4.Open 5W’s & H Chart 5.Copy the answers from the sticky notes to your chart. You can create in Netbook or use paper. 6.Explain Representative Gov in your own words at the bottom of the chart.
Oct 7, Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.RSG Pages 43 & 44 2.Check your folders for your comprehension squares, if it’s not in there, put it there. DLG: Analyze how the French and Indian War contributed to cause of the American Revolution HW: (1) Study for Chap 5 Quiz – Friday, Oct 8, (2).
Why did the French, British, and native American fight over the Ohio River Valley?
European Claims in NA, 1754European Claims in NA, after 1763
Oct 8, Warm-Up 10 minutes: 1.Complete “Beginning of an American Identity” Comprehension Squares 2.Quiz DLG: Analyze the political, social, and economic values shared by British colonists and how the shared values contributes to America forming it’s Identity. HW: None PAT Tuesday, Oct