TUPDD0101:W ILL A MULTIPLEX ASSAY DETECT NEW INFECTIONS OF HIV, S YP, H EP C AND B IN U RBAN I NDIA ? 1.Detect New infections of HIV, Hepatitis C, syphilis and Hepatitis B 2.Feasibility of conduct 3.Diagnostic accuracy 4.Client preference P OPULATION I NTERVENTION S ETTING Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center, and Sion Hospitals Mumbai, India Point of care + combined counselling+ confirmatory testing STD Clinic attendees Sion Hospital, Mumbai O BJECTIVE Mumbai Urban Poor Miriad TM test on fingerstick blood
C ATEGORY S ENSITIVITY S PECIFICITY R EFERENCE S TANDARD Index test status P RELIMINARY P OSITIVE Index test status P RELIMINARY N EGATIVE HIV 100% [95%, CI: 94.8, 100] 99.7% [95%, CI: 98.3, 99.9] ELISA (antigen+antibody) + Western Blot ELISA HBV 13.3% [95%, CI: 6.6, 23.2] 99.3% [95%, CI: 97.6, 99.9] HBsAg + Total anti HBc + HBV DNA HBsAg + anti-HBc HCV 50% [95%, CI: 1.26, 98.74] 99.7% [95%, CI: 98.5, 99.9] HCV antibody + HCV RNA Anti HCV screening test (EIA based) Syphilis 86.1% [95%, CI: 70.5, 95.3] 85.2% [95%, CI: 80.9, 88.8] TRUST + TPHATPHA R ESULTS Demographics Gender83% males Age (mean)31.2 years Sample size 375 STD Clinic attendees N ITIKA P ANT P AI, MD, MPH, PhD Assistant professor McGill University, Montreal Co-investigators: Dr Anjali Shetty Hinduja Dr Rachita Dhurat, Sion