23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX1 LCG Security Update HEPiX-HEPNT, TRIUMF, 23 October 2003 David Kelsey CCLRC/RAL, UK
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX2 Overview LCG Security Group –Mandate and membership Meetings and web pages Policies and procedures Security technology for LCG-1 –including overview of EDG Authorization Future plans
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX3 LCG Security Group Mandate To advise and make recommendations to the Grid Deployment Manager and the GDB on all matters related to LCG-1 Security –GDB makes the decisions To continue work on the mandate of GDB WG3 –Policies and procedures on Registration, Authentication, Authorization and Security To produce and maintain –Implementation Plan (first 3 months, then for 12 months) –Acceptable Use Policy/Usage Guidelines –LCG-1 Security Policy Where necessary recommend the creation of focussed task- forces made-up of appropriate experts –E.g. the “Security Contacts” group (n.b. GDB = Grid Deployment Board)
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX4 Membership Experiment representatives/VO managers –Alberto Masoni, ALICE –Rich Baker, Anders Waananen, ATLAS –David Stickland, Greg Graham, CMS –Joel Closier, LHCb Site Security Officers –Denise Heagerty (CERN), Dane Skow (FNAL) Site/Resource Managers –Dave Kelsey (RAL) - Chair Security middleware experts/developers –Roberto Cecchini (INFN), Akos Frohner (CERN) LCG management and the CERN LCG team –Ian Bird, Ian Neilson Non-LHC experiments/Grids –Many sites also involved in other projects –Bob Cowles (SLAC)
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX5 Meetings, Web etc Agenda, presentations, minutes etc LCG Security Group Web site Meetings –Started in April 2003 –Met 10 times to date 4 face to face and 6 phone conferences Report to the monthly GDB meetings
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX6 Policies and procedures 6 documents approved to date (see LCG SEC web) Security and Availability Policy for LCG –Prepared jointly with GOC task force Approval of LCG-1 Certificate Authorities Audit Requirements for LCG-1 Rules for Use of the LCG-1 Computing Resources Agreement on Incident Response for LCG-1 User Registration and VO Management 4 more still to be written (by GOC task force) LCG Procedures for Resource Administrators LCG Guide for Network Administrators LCG Procedure for Site Self-Audit LCG Service Level Agreement Guide
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX7 LCG-1 security technology Based on EDG release 2.0 Authentication (X.509 PKI) –List of trusted national CA’s (from EDG) –Plus online authentication: FNAL KCA, MyProxy Authorization –VO (LDAP) databases (shared with EDG) Run at NIKHEF, managed by VO-managers (one per expt) –mkgridmap tool to create Grid mapfiles –Map to local user account (real or pool) AuthZ components –VOMS, LCAS/LCMAPS, US CMS VOX –Under development –To be used when available, tested and proved
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX8 EDG Authorization some slides from Akos Frohner – CERN (Roberto Cecchini leads the VOMS group)
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 9 Registration user user cert (long life ) VO-VOMS CA low frequency high frequency registration newconfirmedaccepteddone VO membership request (user) address confirmation (user) allow create to the requestor: address confirmation to the administrator: new request notification denied deny to the requestor: request is accepted/denied (VO admin) web
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 10 Multi-VO registration VO-VOMS user user cert (long life ) VO-VOMS CA low frequency high frequency registration VO administration operations u create/delete (sub)group/role/capability u add/remove member of g/r/c u get/set ACLs for these operations VO registration tasks user requested administrative operation; e.g.: user registration = add member
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 11 “Login” user user cert (long life ) VO-VOMS CA low frequency high frequency authz cert (short life) proxy cert (short life) voms-proxy-init edg-voms-proxy-init -voms iteam u /tmp/x509_up (normal proxy location) u backward compatible proxy format
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 12 Multi-VO “Login” VO-VOMS user user cert (long life ) VO-VOMS CA low frequency high frequency authz cert (short life) proxy cert (short life) voms-proxy-init voms-proxy-init -voms iteam -voms wp6 u single proxy certificate is generated u each VO provides a separate VOMS credential first one is the default VO u each VOMS credential contains multiple group/role entries first one is the default group
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 13 Old-style Service VO-VOMS service VO-VOMS CA low frequency high frequency host cert (long life ) crl update gridmap-file mkgridmap Old-style services still use the gridmap-file for authorization u gridftp u EDG 1.4.x services u EDG 2.x service in compatibility mode no advantage, but everything works as before... GSI
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 14 Job Submission user CE user cert low frequency high frequency host cert proxy authz VO information system 1. VO affiliation ( AccessControlBase) 4. CEs for VOs in authz? 3. job submission MyProxy server WMS 2. cert upload
2003/Sept - Update on EDG Security (VOMS) - Ákos Frohner - n° 15 MyProxy server Running a Job CE cert (long term) host cert proxy authz VO WMS 1. cert download LCAS/ LCMAPS authentication & authorization info 2. job start LCAS: authorization based on (multiple) VO/group/role attributes LCMAPS: mapping to user pool and to (multiple) groups u default VO = default UNIX group u other VO/group/role = other UNIX group(s) voms-proxy-init
23-Oct-03D.P.Kelsey, LCG Security Update, HEPiX16 Future plans (LCG SEC) We are working on a Risk Analysis document –To help set priorities for the year ahead Many of the agreements to date are for LCG-1 (2003) –Need reviewing for 2004 and beyond Authentication –Must agree the future PMA bodies for CA’s EGEE likely to take over this role for Europe –Online CA services, credential repositories KCA, VSC, MyProxy, … Authorization –VOMS likely to be included in LCG-2 –local AuthZ (LCAS/LCMAPS, US CMS VOX) and VOMS-aware services User Registration and VO Management –Workshop at CERN December 2003 Also reviewing the AuthZ technology