Honest Politics Ian Green and David Shugarman - Chapter 8 Presented by Erica Henry-Jackman April 1 st 2009
Honest politics is not only attainable in a democratic country, it is essential if the fundamental democratic value of mutual respect is to be taken seriously. By making more extensive use of ethics commissioners, improving ethics legislation, encouraging political parties to develop codes and enhancing the quality and quantity of ethics education, we (each of us) can set the stage of an era in the not-too-distant future when ethical politics is considered as much a hallmark of our political system as free elections and judicially monitored human rights.
Ethics Commissioners: counsel elected members, provide quick and impartial means to resolve conflicts of interest and so far they have been competent and experienced individuals. Ethics Legislation: involves rules and guidelines about right and wrong behaviours for a host of different groups, including elected leaders (such as the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers), elected representatives (such as Members of Parliament), political staff, and public servants. Whistle–blowing: legislation is an important means of ensuring transparency. In some cases public officials become aware of the unethical conduct of other public officials, but, because of fear, they do not come forward to report such incidents. The legislation protects these public officials and make it easier for them to come forward with allegations of unethical conduct. Political Parties Codes of Ethics: can be more effectively handled by parties than an outside body. Political parties that pursue honest politics by way of a code of ethics is more likely to lead by example.
Ethics Audits: elected officials at every level as well as political parties, could benefit, as the audit reviews and measures ethical practices and behaviours of public servants. Ethics Education: it is desirable that as many public official as possible have a solid grounding in the principles of ethical democratic politics and the process of ethical reasoning prior to becoming politically involved. Political Accountability and Responsibility: to be accountable is to be answerable. In a democracy, elected politicians are answerable to the public and then the party. Politicians are accountable through and at elections and by being required publicly to disclose their records and their reasons for seeking support. Responsibility refers to fulfilling the job requirements of a politician, which may include overseeing the jobs other public servants are commissioned to fulfill.
Global Integrity 2008 Report Drops Canada From "Strong" to "Moderate" Level in World's Most Detailed Assessment of Government Integrity and Democracy. Feb 18 th 2009 In Global Integrity's six categories in its Integrity Indicators Scorecard, Canada had its worst scores in categories: 3. Government Accountability (Weak at 64% overall, especially in the sub-category of Judicial Accountability with a Very Weak Score of 31%); 4. Administration and Civil Service (Moderate at 76% overall, with a Weak score of 61% in the sub-category of Civil Service Regulations), and; 6. Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law (Moderate at 77% overall, with a Very Weak score of 58% in the sub-category of Law Enforcement). Canada had its best scores in categories: 1. Civil Society, Public Information and Media (Strong at 87% overall, with a Very Strong mark of 92% for media freedom overall); 5. Oversight and Regulation (Strong at 87% overall, especially in the sub-category of national government auditing with a Very Strong mark of 94%), and; 2. Elections (Strong at 86% overall).
Avoidable ethics scandals The Sponsorship scandal misuse and misdirection of funds disbursed through the Liberal government's 1990s sponsorship program. Investigated by the Gomery Commission. Art Eggleton gave a lucrative government contract to his ex-girlfriend Maggie Maier a $36,500 contract to write a report on post-traumatic stress disorder and environmental illness among Canadian soldiers. Airbus affair Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was implicated in a kickback scheme to purchase Airbus planes for Air Canada
Benoît Corbeil The former director-general of the Liberal Party of Canada's Quebec wing. Corbeil was a key organizer identified by Jean Brault as a kingpin in funnelling sponsorship money to the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party of Canada. In April 2008, Corbeil was charged with influence peddling, fraud and conspiracy against the Liberal party and the federal government between 1997 and RCMP Cpl. Luc Bessette said the charges were not directly linked to the sponsorship scandal but came from a parallel investigation. What Justice Gomery said: Corbeil accepted cash donations and improper benefits for the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party of Canada and “contributed to the all too common perception that many of those participating in the democratic exercise of political activism are dishonest and disreputable.”
Don Boudria Boudria was minister of public works for five months after Alfonso Gagliano was appointed ambassador to Denmark. He was removed from the post after it was revealed that he had stayed at a luxury chalet belonging to the owner of Groupe Everest, a Quebec firm that did millions of dollars in business with the government.
In closing … Leadership comes from and its representative of its citizenry. As our leaders have a duty to function as moral actors, so all citizens also have a duty to see to it that they live up to their obligations and practise the ethics and principles of democracy.
Ethical Orientation Questionnaire Results: Two Ethical Styles The higher your score, the more you rely on an "ethic of justice." An "ethic of justice or rights" is based on abstract, impersonal principles, like justice, fairness, equality or authority. People who prefer this style see ethical dilemmas as involving primarily a conflict of rights that can be solved by the impartial application of some general principle. The higher your © score, the more you prefer an "ethic of care.” An "ethic of care or responsibility" is founded on a sense of responsibility to reduce actual harm or suffering. For these people, moral dilemmas generally involve a conflict of duties or responsibilities. People with this orientation believe that the focal point of every ethical dilemma is the specific individuals involved and the particular circumstances of the case