Using language Keeping Advertises Honest. Read the title & the subtitle of the text & find out the structure of it:


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Presentation transcript:

Using language Keeping Advertises Honest

Read the title & the subtitle of the text & find out the structure of it:

Keeping Advertising Honest develop ways to control advertising and prevent false or unsuitable advertising The law Advertising organization Complaints organization The consumers

Read the text quickly & find out the main idea of it: The passage examines ______ that consumers can be __________ against ___________ or unethical advertising. ways protected dishonest

Read the text again & find out the topic sentence of each paragraph: The law: One way to control advertising is to make laws that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing. Advertising organizations: Most advertisers belong to advertising organization that not only … but also … Complaints organization: Many countries have a government organization which examines complaints about ads. The consumers: The consumer is responsible for checking the product before buying.

Read the text again & match the meanings with the ways: The law Advertising organizations Complaints organization The consumer Organizations established by advertising agencies to make rules for ethical advertising Consumer organizations that act as watchdogs to complain about unethical advertising Legal restrictions on content & methods of advertising Education of consumers about advertising techniques so they can protect themselves from misleading or unethical advertising

Pay attention to the following sentences: 1.Organizations and individuals advertise because they want to persuade people to ____________________ ( 按某种方式来行事 ), for example to buy _______________ ( 某个 牌子的 ) rice, stop speeding or see a movie at their cinema. 2. Advertisers ________________________ ( 花了不少精力和财力 )to make adverts and ___they want to make sure they _______ their purpose. behave in certain ways a certain brand of go to a lot of trouble and expense soachieve A certain Mr Wang is waiting for you at the school gate.

3. One way _____advertising is _____ laws that prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing. A. controlling; to make B. to control; make C. to control; to make D. of controlling; make 4. Many countries have laws that forbid ads ___________ (show) at _____________( 不恰当 的 )times or in _________( 不适宜的 ) places. being showninappropriate unsuitable

5. There are also laws in most places that prevent advertisers ______ (make) false statements about their products or from _________ (promote) immoral or harmful behaviour. 6. They are called a code of ethics and include such rules as: Advertisements must not be untruthful or misleading; Advertisements must not say bad things about other people's products. If well- known people are used in advertisements, they must be honest and truthful about products they advertise. making promoting

7. Even though there are laws and advertisers' codes of conduct, some bad ads do get ______ (make). 8. You ______ the saying: "Buyer Beware". This means that the consumer is responsible for checking the product before buying. A. may have heard B. must have heard C. may hear D. might hear 虽然有法律和广告的行为规范,还是有很多糟 糕的广告被制作出来了。 made

9. When it comes to advertising, consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements. 涉及广告时,消费者需要了解广告商所使用的 伎俩。这样他们才能对各种广告主张做出自己 的判断,而不至于盲目地接受广告中所说的一 切。

10. As we are flooded with advertisements in our modem world, many schools believe it is their duty to educate students about advertising. 当今社会上广告泛滥成灾,许多学校认为它们 有责任对学生进行有关广告的教育。