Welcome to Grading Scale A90-100% B80-89% C70-79% D60-69% F 0- 59% Contact Information FIFTH GRADE Team 5-1 Math- Mrs. Hayes mrshayesfifthgrade.weebly.com Science- Mrs. Sandstrom sandstromclass.weebly.com Reading- Mrs. Boggetti itselementarygrade5.weebly.com Madison Middle School 575 West 7 th South Rexburg, ID (208) Response to Intervention (RTI) -45 minutes of additional instruction for struggling students in reading and math. - 8 certified reading and math teachers in 5 th and 6 th grade teach the RTI classes. -1 paraprofessional assigned to each RTI class, bringing the teacher to student ratio as low as 3 to 1. -Early our Friday for team meetings, data entry, and professional development. 8:35Period 1 9:40Period 2 10:45Period 3 11:50Lunch 12:35RTI/ Social Studies 1:25Encore 2:15Period 4 3:20Dismissal 8:35Period 1 9:30Period 2 10:20Period 3 11:10Period 4 12:05Lunch 12:55RTI/ Social Studies 1:30Encore 2:00Dismissal Friday Schedule- Early Out Monday- Thursday Schedule
HOMEWORK We believe children need a good night’s sleep! We limit homework to one hour per school day. This includes 30 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of homework from other subjects. Homework may be assigned for the following reasons: 1.Absence: to make up work missed during an excused absence. 2.Completion: work was not completed at school for which time has been given to do so in class. 3.Extension: provide students with opportunities to transfer specific skills or concepts to new situations. 4.Practice: to help students master specific skills which have been presented in class. 5.Preparation: to help students prepare for the next step in a unit or study for a quiz or test. LANGUAGE ARTS Six Traits Writing Writing Workshop Writing Projects Easy Grammar Daily Oral Language Weekly Spelling Practice Spelling tests on Fridays. SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES READING -Houghton-Mifflin Journey’s is the core reading program. -There will be a monthly reading genre report due at the end of each month. -30 minutes of reading at home each night. A reading log will be turned in at the end of the month for a grade. MATH Mrs. Hayes is available every morning at 8:00 for math help. Unit 1: How Scientists Work Unit 2: The Engineering Process Unit 3: Changes to Earth’s Surface Unit 4: Rocks and Fossils Unit 5: States of Matter Unit 6: Living Things Unit 7: Cells Unit 8: Genetics Unit 9: Ecosystems & Energy Unit 10: Natural Resources -Geography -The foundations of government and citizenship -Explorers -The 13 Colonies -Branches of Government -American Revolution -Slavery and the Civil War -The Great American Challenge Great American Challenge Fifth graders may complete a challenge each month relating to American history such as memorizing the states & capitals or reciting the Preamble to the Constitution. Students who complete all challenges will be recognized at a special awards ceremony and lunch with the principal, Mr. Bone. Online Texts Students can access textbooks online through ThinkCentral. Team Activities Team activities are held the last Thursday of each month to celebrate student birthdays. In lieu of bringing a treat, we ask for a $3.00 donation for teachers to purchase birthday treats.