GREAT DEPRESSION CAUSES Objective: Students will be able to signify the lasting effects of the Great Depression by examining the social and cultural repercussions. Purpose: Understand how a society can change both socially and culturally due to nation-wide events. Standard(s): 2.13 Historical Thinking Skill: Analyze & Synthesis
ANNOUNCEMENTS: SEMESTER 2 DISCIPLINE PLAN & PROCEDURES Use of cellphone / mp3 device: I will grant the use of the cellphone or mp3 device during SPECIFIC segments of the lesson. 1. Warm-up: No! 2. Activity: Foldable’s, in-class work: YES! 3. Lecture Notes, Video Notes, Picture Analysis & Discussion: No! 4. Assessment / Assignment (depends): YES! 5. Closure/Exit Slip: No! Failure to comply with rules or directions WILL result in disciplinary actions. Classroom Behavior & Participation Update: I will both REWARD and PUNISH Classroom Behavior & Participation with points. I will REWARD based on participation, raising hand, discussion, answering questions, and good behavior. I will PUNISH based on classroom disruption, insubordination, off-task behavior, not following rules / procedures, etc. will be used this semester as a tool to allow me to remind YOU when assignments may be due, upcoming tests, and other general things of importance to the class and YOUR education. This will be a required assignment. Use of Notebooks: Notebooks will be assigned to each and every student and will be color coded based on classroom period. Notebooks will be retrieved prior to the warm-up and returned after the closure. Notebooks DO NOT need to be taken home. They can stay in the classroom. Late Policy: Late assignments will result in ½ off after the due date.
WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS Receive Notebook and write NAME & CLASS PERIOD # on the front (if possible) and back. Write down 5 IMPORTANT facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.
- Quickwrite: How would you cut back on your expenses if your cash funds were limited? Describe how you might feel if this happened? WARM-UP:
The Great Depression caused a myriad of changes in American society and economic policies, many of which linger to this day. Stock Market And Banking Regulations After the stock market crash of 1929 and the collapse of more than 40% of American banks by 1933, strict trading and banking regulations were put in place, as well as financial protections, enforced by the newly formed Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal FDR introduced programs between 1933 and 1938, designed to help America pull out of the Great Depression by addressing high rates of unemployment and poverty. The cornerstones of the New Deal were the: Public Works Administration National Recovery Administration.
Expanded Role Of Government FDR’s New Deal increased the role of government in people’s lives to unprecedented levels, levels that continued long after America had recovered from the Great Depression. Social Security, a program that continues to this day, was introduced by FDR in the midst of the Great Depression.
Mass Migration When the Dust Bowl conditions in the 1930s led to farmers abandoning their fields, mass migration patterns emerged during the Great Depression, with populations shifting from rural areas to urban centers. The Dust Bowl during the Great Depression led to widespread migration, including 200,000 people who moved to California, most arriving with no money, family, or resources.
Societal Change Many people who survived the Great Depression would remain frugal throughout the rest of their lives, wary of banks, apt to hoard food, and suspicious of the stock market. Hoovervilles were the catchphrase for the shantytowns that cropped up across the United States, as homeless Americans improvised with scraps, abandoned cars, and packing crates.
- 1. Acquire class- handout. 2. Fill in Multi-Flow Map as a re-cap from the previous class, listing the CAUSES and EFFECTS of the Great Depression. 3. Complete the worksheet & turn it in. ASSESSMENT: CAUSE & EFFECT FLOW MAP Closure: (On Worksheet) Make one personal connection to today's learning.
POST-LESSON ANNOUNCEMENTS : EXTRA CREDIT & HOMEWORK 1. Receive TEN (10) Extra Credit points if you bring in ONE (1) unopened box of Tissue Paper. Only ONE (1) Per Quarter Per Student. Must be Unopened & Unused. Homework: WWI & 1920’s Study Guide