The Important Book About Our United States Government
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
After the Revolutionary War, the United States needed to decide what kind of government would be best for their new country.
In 1787, delegates, or leaders from each state met in Philadelphia to create a new government. At this convention, or meeting, the United States Constitution was written.
The Constitution states the laws and outlines a plan for how the government works.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
The delegates decided that a democracy or a country that gets its power from the people would be best. They agreed that the United States citizens would elect leaders to run the government.
The Constitution, ratified on June 21, 1788, divides the jobs among three branches of government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
Many people felt the Constitution did not adequately protect the freedom and rights of American citizens. A group of people called the Anti- Federalists insisted that a Bill of Rights be included in the Constitution.
The House of Representatives wrote the first ten amendments to the Constitution. An amendment is an addition. These amendments are called the Bill of Rights and protect the rights of individual citizens.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
One branch of the government is the Executive Branch. The leader of the Executive Branch if the President of the United States.
The President if the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and other armed forces. Only the President can meet with leaders of other countries and make treaties, or agreements, with them. If anything happens to the President, the Vice President takes the President’s place.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
Another branch of the government is the Legislative Branch, called Congress. Congress has two parts, the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Congress is responsible for making laws about money and taxes in the United States. It can create an army, navy, and other armed forces. Only Congress can declare war.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.
The third branch of the government is the Judicial Branch. Federal judges, or justices, make up this branch and are responsible for helping citizens understand the laws of the United States. The Supreme Court is the highest court on the nation.
Today there are nine Supreme Court Justices. A Justice must be appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. A Supreme Court Justice serves on the court for life. They settle disagreements, protect the rights of American citizens, and interpret the Constitution.
The important thing about our American democracy is that the power of government comes from the people.