DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? The Fundraiser/ Researcher Relationship Researchers in Fundraising Winter Conference 2 nd November 2009 Sacha Tremain, Major Donor Research Manager – The National Trust Rob Grimes, Major Donor Manager – The National Trust Mair Bosworth, Prospect & Research Manager – ActionAid
Who? Who we are Who we are –Sacha - Researcher –Rob - Fundraiser –Mair - Researcher
What’s the problem? Fundraisers Researchers? Fundraisers vs Researchers? The triumphs, the trials, the tribulations Is the relationship working as well as it should? Is the relationship working as well as it should? If not, why? If not, why? Practical solutions for improving the relationship on both sides Practical solutions for improving the relationship on both sides
The Researcher’s Rant The Researcher’s Rant Fundraisers don’t understand that there’s only one of me I’m not involved enough in strategy & planning They never update the database I’m not perceived as an equal, but as a service provider I’m never given a clear brief They don’t understand how long decent research takes – 100 profiles with information on giving capacity and connections in a fortnight… they must be dreaming! I never get any feedback on my research
The Fundraiser’s Frustrations The Fundraiser’s Frustrations I need analysis & practical suggestions to help me move forward not reams of passive information! Researchers are OBSESSED with data!! They forget that donors are REAL people & don’t understand that they are all COMPLETELY different They always nag me – don’t they realise I’m too busy to update the database? Surely getting money in the door is more important than obsessively chronicling my every move. 20 pages!! But my meeting’s in 10 minutes, just tell me the important stuff!
Who cares??? WE DO! (Or should!) Strong internal relationships & efficient fundraising systems = Excellent supporter experience Staff fulfilment & retention = Increased impact and income £££
What’s with the cake?
How should it work? 7 Steps of fundraising 7 Steps of fundraising –Identify –Research –Evaluate –Cultivate –Ask –Thank –Stewardship
The seven steps in action…
“…is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives and is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results - Andrew Carnegie ( , Industrialist & Philanthropist) Teamwork…
What are the pressures and barriers in this relationship that leave people frustrated?
Some pressures & barriers Organisational/Team Structure Organisational/Team Structure Different Objectives & Skills Different Objectives & Skills Perceptions and Personalities Perceptions and Personalities Workload Workload Lack of communication Lack of communication Systems or lack of Systems or lack of Experience & Confidence Experience & Confidence
Fundraisers are from Mars, Researchers from Venus? What does a typical Researcher look like? What does a typical Researcher look like? –This…?
…or this?
Researchers are from Mars, Fundraisers are from Venus? What does a typical fundraiser look like? What does a typical fundraiser look like? –This…?
…or this?
Making it Batter… Our Top tips to raise the team Communication is key Communication is key Systems Systems Invest in research Invest in research Be flexible and approachable Be flexible and approachable
C ommunicate A ppreciate K nock out dysfunction & inefficiencies E ducate, empower and… make time to sit down together and eat cake!