Women appear to be more attracted to men who have features that are more symmetrical than other men. One study (Thornhill et al., 1995) even found that women have more orgasms during sex with men who were more symmetrical, regardless of their level of romantic attachment or the man’s sexual experience!
THE IMPORTANCE OF SYMMETRY They enrolled 86 sexually active heterosexual couples from among the undergraduates (average age 22). Each partner answered questions about his or her sexual experiences. The researchers took facial photographs of each person and measured various body parts to assess bilateral symmetry. From data on sexual behavior provided by the women, those whose partners were most symmetrical enjoyed a significantly higher frequency of orgasms during sexual intercourse than did those with less symmetrical mates.
Love at first sight? (Conway et al., 2007)
Weird mating strategies
You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs…
It’s in his kiss… (Hughes et al., 2007) Females place more importance on kissing as a mate assessment device and as a means of maintaining and monitoring the current status of their relationship with a long-term partner.
In contrast, males place less importance on kissing, especially with short-term partners, and appear to use kissing to increase the likelihood of having sex.
Sex Differences in Romantic Kissing Among College Students: An Evolutionary Perspective (Hughes et al., 2007)
You’ve got to sniff a lot of men…
Women who had similar MHC genes were more likely to be less sexually responsive to their partners and more likely to have had or considered an affair. However, when women take birth control pills, it can affect their sense of smell. Craig Roberts (2008) found that women on the pill tended to select mates that had similar MHC genes. Wedekind (1995) found women preferred shirts belonging to men with different major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. Garvar-Apgar (2007) found that women with vastly different MHC genes from their husband's were more likely to have happy marriages and to report fidelity in their relationships.
Ober (1998) studied a South Dakota community of Hutterites, a religious group who do not believe in contraception and tend to marry within the community- - and are thus more likely to marry partners with similar MHC. She found that Hutterite couples with similar MHC tended to have longer periods between pregnancies and higher rates of miscarriage than other Hutterite couples.
Lap dancers, tips and the sense of smell (Miller et al., 2007)
Mediated relationships
THE ‘LOVEGETY’ The user inputs their mood, then if another lovegety user of the opposite sex is in the same area, it alerts both users!
Why are non F2F relationships so popular? Asynchronous communication – In contrast to synchronicity of f2f communication, the asynchronicity of texts and s allow partners more time to reflect upon and prepare their messages at their own pace
Why are non F2F relationships so popular? Creating a good impression – In CMC interaction, a person’s impressions of an online partner are based upon whatever information the partner has chosen to reveal about themselves – this is usually more positive than if the interaction had occurred offline!
What are the drawbacks? Harassment and Cyberstalking Mobile phones and the Internet provide a new medium for harassment and stalking behaviours, e.g. repeated unsolicited ing, instant messaging, spamming and sending electronic viruses to the target. In a large study of undergraduates, 13% reported having been stalked with one quarter receiving s from their stalker (Fisher, 2000).
Who are they particularly good for? Mediated relationships are good for people who are shy, lack access to suitable others, lack of time or have physical handicaps (Duck, 1999).