Honey Bees Small, helpful, peaceful friends!!!! By: AG
Introduction The scientific name is Arthropod It is also called Hymenoptera Honey bees make honey Honey bees are peaceful, helpful workers There are three different types of honey bees: queens workers, and drones
How They Look Small-like a finger nail Yellow and black striped hairs Six legs A pair of antennas A pair of clear, white wings Five big black eyes Three parts to their body-head, middle and back
More About How The Look Light Three parts of legs: – the front pair is for grooming the head and for collecting pollen. – The middle pair is used for cleaning pollen off of other legs. – The back legs are called hind legs. Each hind leg has special name called a “pollen basket”
Life span A worker honey bee lives up to 20 to 340 days Drones can live up to 20 to 90 days Queens can live up to 4 and 5 years
Habitat Grasslands because imagine you and your friends sitting on a grassy field and having a lot of fun Forest because bees like the trees and the shade. That’s how they can hang their hive. Gardens because all of the flowers
Food Queens get royal jelly Drones and workers get water, honey, bee bread, and nectar
Prey Prey of (what eats bees) Spiders Spiders Frogs Frogs Birds Birds Skunks Skunks Bears Bears Predator to : Lizard tails Bee bread Necter Honey Pollen
Behavior Peaceful workers Working on making honey fast Work hard Mind their own buisness Active during the day Smart because they know when to sting
Babies The drones and queens have babies together they put them in little cells and wait for them to hatch It takes three days for a honey bee to hatch
Physical Adaptations Wings that help them fly Yellow and black strips to blend in(or camouflage) Honey bees have stingers to protect their honey and babies A pair of antennae or antennas, on the honey bees head are used to smell,feel,and to send messages to other bees
Behavioral Adaptations How they make honey: they eat pollen and it stays in the stomach for 15 minutes then it slips out and then they eat it again for a half hour then spits it out then it makes honey!!!! They fly to different flowers to get more pollen Honey bees work very hard to make honey fast Not nocturnal
Physiological Adaptations The stinger which helps them protect themselves Hind legs which brushes off pollen on other legs The hair on their body is charged with static electricity which attacks pollen grains.
Fun factsFun facts A honey bee has three parts of the body A honey bee can fly 15 miles an hour Honey bees are related to wasps