The Commonwealth of Virginia Risk Management Plan and the VSWCD Virginia Division of Risk Management VIRGINIA SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICTS Director & District Administrative Retreat
“The PLAN” Commonwealth of Virginia Risk Management Plan Created 1986 Authorized by General Assembly in § Prepared by DRM Reviewed by OAG Approved by Governor Administered by DRM
What the PLAN says Pay all sums, except as limited herein or by the Code, that covered parties shall be obligated to pay by reason of liability for damages resulting from any claim arising out of acts or omissions of any nature while acting in an authorized governmental or proprietary capacity and in the course and scope of employment or authorization.
The PLAN provides: $2,000,000 per occurrence coverage limits No aggregate limits Unlimited legal defense Legal cost and expenses do not buy down coverage limits $10,000 medical payments to volunteers Excellent claim management Excellent legal defense
The PLAN provides: Funds are in state treasury DRM is a part of the Treasury Audits by APA, DOA, internal audit Experienced administrative and claim staff - Commonwealth Program - Constitutional Officer Program - Local, Non-Profit Pool - Commuter Rail Program
The PLAN provides: GENERAL LIABILITY Bodily Injury Personal Injury Property Damage Premises liability Employment practices liability Civil Rights/Discrimination
The PLAN provides: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY $2,000,000 per occurrence or medical incident Errors and Omissions for licensed and certified professions, and Individuals holding themselves out to the Public as having greater than average expertise in a particular area
The PLAN provides: AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY $2,000,000 per occurrence $5,000 incidental medical payments Comprehensive coverage OPTIONAL: Property Damage
EXCLUSIONS Contracts and agreements. Willful and wanton criminal acts. Claims seeking relief other than monetary, including injunctive relief. Administrative hearings. Dishonesty. Disciplinary matters. Punitive damages unless Attorney General and Governor approve.
FAQ Who pays for all of this wonderful stuff? What do we have to do to get this coverage? I have this other insurance policy, what do I do? OK for liability, what about our property?
FAQ Explain the personal auto coverage We handle money, tell me about fidelity bonds. An angry employee is threatening to sue me. What should I do? How do I report a claim? A lawsuit?
CONTACT Don LeMond, Director Linda Lilly, Assistant Director Joyce Palmer, Program Manager