CERTIFIED Preliminary results of the survey on the relevant business areas CERTIFIED Coordination Meeting Frankfurt, 14/02/2007 Elisa Mancinelli, SCIENTER
2 The available options Professional roles –Middle Manager –Branch Manager –Training Manager –Compliance Officer –Customer Relationship Manager –Internal Audit Manager –Other Business areas –Retail –Corporate –SMEs –Risk Management –Asset / Liability Management –Call Centre Operations –Other Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER
3 Rating options Ranking of each option from 1 to 8, being 1 the most relevant training need in your Organisation Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER
4 Key professional roles Customer Relationship Manager –4 times ranked n.1 priority Compliance Officer Internal Audit Manager Middle Manager Branch Manager Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER
5 Key business areas Risk management –4 times ranked n.1 priority Retail Corporate SMEs Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER
6 Validation Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER From the analysis it emerges that the key professional role to be addressed is the Customer Relationship Manager Need to discuss and validate – Discussion group
7 Discussion aims Coordination meeting, 14/02/2007 E. Mancinelli - SCIENTER To validate the preliminary results To discuss about the coherence of the results vis-à-vis the situation in your country, and in EBTN member countries To define clear action lines to complete the survey