Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) 101
We need money Good News: We have the money Bad News: It’s in your pockets Quick Joke…
Congregational Engagement -Growing an Engaged Church by Albert L. Winseman
Growing an Engaged Church Engaged members give 5% ($2,100) Not-engaged members give 3% ($1,250) Actively disengaged members give 1.5% ($600) Average church: 29% Engaged, 54% Not- engaged, 17% Actively Disengaged In a church of 500, 85 are underperforming which means $1,480 each or $125,800 annually -Growing an Engaged Church by Albert L. Winseman
“The act of giving is a vivid reminder that it’s all about God, not about us. It’s saying I am not the point, He is the point.” -The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
“The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field” -Matthew 13:31 “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible” -Matthew 17: DDF
“As you receive Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, rooted in him” -Col 2: DDF
“Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest? He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” -Matthew 22: DDF
“We who are receiving the unshakable kingdom should have gratitude, with which we should offer worship pleasing to God in reverence and awe.” -Hebrews 12: DDF
Faith the size of a Mustard Seed Faith LoveGratitude Diocesan Development Fund
Bishop or pastor asks, so I give Parish gets rebates for local needs
People understand they’re supporting diocesan ministries that impact them and the church at large
Religious Education (28.2%) Land for Future Parishes (16.8%) Seminarian Formation (14.7%) Priest Relief (12.1%) Social Concerns (8.2%) Chaplains Ministry (7.3%) Diaconate Formation (2.8%) Parish/Mission Subsidies (2.5%) Vocations (2.4%) Ethnic Ministries (1.7%) Task Forces (3.3%)
Investing in God’s church To give back for all He has given us Becoming more like Christ
“An act of joy” (living in GRATITUDE) “An expression of one’s own experience of and trust in God’s love and care” (growing in LOVE) A reflection of one’s sense of being a partner in God’s work in the world (rooted in FAITH) -Growing Givers’ Hearts by Thomas Jeavons & Rebekah Burch Basinger
What’s the purpose of the DDF?
Switching Gears DDF Goals Using ParishSOFT
DDF Goal-Step 1 1.Calculate the average assessable income for the 3 previous years WAIT! What is assessable income?
Assessable Income The assessment will be calculated on the total income generated from the following sources during a fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). Ordinary Collections Christmas Collections Easter Collections Holy Day Collections Rental Property (net income only) Stole Fees Bequests/Wills/Don ations Donor-Restricted/ Designated Gain on Sale -Diocese of San Bernardino Financial Policies and Procedures
DDF Goal-Step 1 1.Calculate the average assessable income for the 3 previous years Assessable YearsIncome 2005/2006$535, /2007$540, /2008$500,000 $1,575,000 Divided by 3 $525,000
DDF Goal-Step 2 2.Divide the average assessable income (from Step 1) by the total of all parishes’ averages. $525,000 Divide by $50,000, %
DDF Goal-Step 3 3.Multiply the total DDF Goal ($4,800,000) by the percentage from Step % Multiplied by $4,800,000 PARISH GOAL $50,400
Using ParishSOFT Location of FamilyDioID (new DDF number) New Donor Multiple Mailings; may need Duplicate Checker Accessing SOPs
DDF Donor Numbers Now that the diocese and parishes are using the same database, parishes have access to donor numbers:
New Donor: PC Added New records may be created by the diocese for donors, if one doesn’t exist. They will be defined as “Pastoral Center Added”
Donor Receives Multiple Mailings 1.If record says “Diocese of San Bernardino” call Diocesan Development Office 2.If two or more are received from your parish use “Duplicate Checker” 3.If two or more are received from different parishes work to define primary parish
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Proper data entry is a necessity. Please use your SOPs available at: 1.Visit 2.Click on “Ministries” 3.Scroll down the page and click on “Information Services” 4.Click their official website 5.On the right hand side of the Information Services web page are the ParishSOFT SOPs
ParishSOFT Resources How to use Duplicate Checker and many other instructional resources are available by: 1.Visiting 2.Click “Support” 3.Click “User Guides for Parish” or “NEW! Video Help”
Questions or Comments? THANK YOU!