What is Love INC?
2 Love INC is: Local Christian churches. A strategy to help congregations help their neighbors in need. A network of churches that links volunteers to people in need.
Love INC History Founded in It was designed to inspire and enable a greater number of Christians to put their faith into action. By the late 1980’s, fifty Love INC affiliates were operating in fourteen states. In 1988, Love INC became an operating department of World Vision. In 2001, Love INC separated from World Vision and become it’s own non- profit organization. In early 2011, Love INC completely restructured to “virtual” (on-line) headquarters to provide timely resources and networking for its affiliates. Today, there are more an 157 Love INC affiliates in 30 states.
Love INC Mission The mission of Love in the Name of Christ is to mobilize local churches to transform lives in the Name of Christ.
Love INC Vision To see Christian churches united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.
Core Values 1.We are Christian. Everything we think, say, and do is in the name of Christ. 2.Prayer is an integral part of who we are. 3.We follow Christ’s example of valuing people in need. 4.We value unity of the Body of Christ. 5.We value transformation in the lives of people and communities. 6.We value churches living out the two great commandments to love God and love their neighbors. 7.We value building Christ-like relationships. 8.We value the connectedness of the Love Inc movement. 9.We value excellence. 10.We value continually maturing in our capacity to meet people’s needs.
Clearinghouse Mode Every Love INC affiliate begins with the Clearinghouse mode to matter what other modes it may develop. The Clearinghouse: 1.Receives requests for help. 2.Assesses the need. 3.Provides help. 4.Follows up.
Churches Make Love INC Churches Do Love INC Churches Relate Through Love INC Churches Mobilize Through Love INC Churches Own Love INC Churches ARE Love INC! Persons – whose needs are the gateway to connect & mutually participate in transformation
Using the Love INC Tool, Churches Can Go Deeper 10 Monetary requests do not address the root causes of the problem. Love INC enables churches to: form relationships with the needy address deep issues educate, mentor, support grow their faith through loving transform lives in Christ’s name
What Is a Partner Church’s Responsibility? Refer requests for assistance to the Clearinghouse. Accept referrals of clients from the Clearinghouse into existing church ministries. Nominate potential Clearinghouse volunteers from the church, as needed. Participate in the financial support of the ministry. Pray for the ministry, clients, volunteers and the Body of Christ as we serve together. Appoint one or more Church Ministry Coordinator(s) (CMCs) to be the liaison(s) between the Clearinghouse and the congregation. 11
Additionally, a Partner Church May… Create a ministry to fill a gap in community services (e.g., personal care items, linens, clothing, furniture, computers, etc.). Provide follow-up visits to people who have received help through the Clearinghouse. 12
13 Why Does Love INC Work? There are unlimited resources in the body of Christ that Love INC mobilizes on behalf of those in need. Love INC gives Christians a specific, manageable opportunity to put their faith in action. Because “love never fails” (I Corinthians 13:8).