From good to outstanding: Teaching & Learning in the new framework Dave Lewis Nov 2010
By the end of the session I hope you will have deepened your awareness of the criteria in the Ofsted framework developed your understanding of how these are observed and judged during an inspection considered how we can develop teaching & learning in light of this
Introduction Grade descriptors T&L – emphasis on progress Behaviour – bar raised for now at least… 5 outcomes ECM higher profile Skills for Learning & Life agenda (core 24 / 5)
Task 1 Read the grade criteria for areas provided and underline any references to learning skills Start with the outstanding grade descriptors
Conducting Inspection Guidance (lesson observation handout) ‘The most important source of evidence is the classroom observation of teaching and the impact it is having on learning.’ ‘The key objectives of lesson observations are to evaluate the quality of learning and the contribution of teaching.’ ‘substantial minority’ of teachers will be observed ‘Judgements made through short observations can only relate to the part of the lesson observed and not to the quality of teaching in the lesson as a whole.’
Observations More full lesson observations As a minimum, inspectors will grade the following in your lesson Learning & progress Behaviour Teaching Assessment to support learning 20 min threshold Grade what you see Learning walk (10 mins multiple drop- ins) – usually themed
Proposed revision Reduced framework to include: Quality of teaching Effectiveness of leadership Behaviour and safety Pupils’ achievement ‘This will mean inspectors no longer spend time monitoring compliance with peripheral issues, but instead concentrating on our shared core mission of improving standards in education’ Gove 2010
Clips & Discussion In pairs Judgement - grade the lesson make your evaluation using the criteria for learning & progress and behaviour What is your evidence? Using the Grade criteria say how she could improve to the next level up
So how do we plan for good? ‘quality of teaching descriptors’ (p2) What are the key differences between the ‘Good’ descriptors and the ‘Outstanding’ descriptors?
Evidencing Good & Outstanding teaching in our classrooms Need to increase the opportunity for pupils to demonstrate ‘well honed’ learning skills. Pupils show responsibility for their learning behaviour Pupils need to demonstrate good progress Enjoyment and engagement of learners Impact of resources on learning Lesson planning linked to prior and current assessments, is differentiated and extends all learners Detailed next steps for learning Effective questioning to assess pupil progress Time used effectively
Useful prompts to support staff 5 things to do in your planning 5 things to do when the observer comes in
Plenary Share with a partner: One thing you have learned One thing you will do as a result of this session
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