2 CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guide ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Reflective Conversation INQUIRY #2—Self-Selected Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR CALIFORNIA TEACHERS (FACT) Return to Context for Teaching and Assessment IIPIIP INQUIRY #3—Self-Selected Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Entry Level Assessment Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Year 2
3 INQUIRIES 2 & 3—Self-Selected Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection
4 What: An inquiry is a structured series of teaching activities in which a teacher explores a specific aspect of teaching practice. How: Use t he IIP to: ◦ Guide you through the steps of the inquiry ◦ Provide a framework for documenting your work as you complete each step
5 How do you develop the focus of your Inquiry? With wonderings Dilemmas Grows out of self assessment Outgrowth of pre-service work Observation feedback, DOP, own experiences and passion
My students are very talkative. They seem to have a need to be very sociable. I need to keep them focused on what we are learning. “How can I use my children’s social skills to enhance their learning and instruction at the same time?”
I have a student named David who is very quiet and meek—to the point of being painful! “How can I construct a classroom atmosphere so that he and others feel more free to contribute to class discussion?”
Tab 6 ◦ Yellow Pages ◦ Signature Page ◦ IIP, Essential Components, etc. Review components of Tab 6 on Checklist Tabs 6 and 7 are identical, except the focus of the Inquiry is self-selected
Grounded in a specific teaching context Are open-ended rather than yes/no Ask a question that you don’t know (do not research to confirm a strategy that you already think is good or bad) Are specific and tangible Focused on improvement of practice How can you turn that wondering into a question?
“How can I use conferencing to improve the English speaking, reading, listening and writing skills of my ESL students? Led to 2 nd try: “How can conferencing improve reading and writing skills of my ESL students?” 3 rd try: “How can conferencing improve the writing skills of my ESL students?”
Think about the ways to find information about the focus question. Consider timelines.
Write your focus question at the center of the Bubble Thing. As we look at the documents in the Inquiry, we will refer back to this to trace the connections between these documents and the focus of the Inquiry. 12
Essential Components for Instruction (6.3) Entry Level Assessment (6.4) Focus Student Selection (6.5) Lesson Plan Template (6.6) Observations (6.7) Post-Observation Reflection (6.8) Summative Assessment Parts 1 & 2 (6.9) Analysis of Student Work (6.10) Reflective Conversation Record (6.11) 13
14 Refer to the Portfolio to locate the Focus Student Selection (6.5) Note: Select 1 English Learner /SEL Select 1 Special Population student (IEP, RSP, 504, GATE,...) Select 1 Focus Student of Choice (Should complete the range of abilities in the classroom not represented by EL or Special Populations)
15 Refer to the Lesson Plan Template (7.6) in your Portfolio The Lesson Plan Template (7.6) includes these essential components: Introduction Direct Instruction Modeled Instruction Guided Practice / Checking For Understanding Independent Practice
16 ◦ Pre-Conference (Review IIP, and 6.3 – 6.6) ◦ Observation Record (6.7) ◦ Post-Observation Reflection (6.8) ◦ Individual Induction Plan (6.2, Action Plan, cells 5-6) ◦ Analysis of Student Work (6.10)
17 Summative Assessment & Reflection (6.9) ◦ Analysis of student work on summative assessment Reflect on: How do I know that they learned? What will I do if they didn’t? What will I do if they already know?
18 Following the observation, you will review student work with your SP (monitoring assessment) collected during the lesson ◦ attach copies of the 3 focus students’ work Use Analysis of Student Work (6.10) for the: Class English Learner (Focus Student 1) Special Populations (Focus Student 2) Choice (Focus Student 3)
At this point, return to the IIP (Cell 7) Application- You will record how the new knowledge was implemented (state each action taken). 19
Cells 8 & 9 Reflection/Application ◦ Impact on Instructional/Classroom practices Student Achievement ◦ How will this be applied to future practice? 20
Becoming the Best Educator You Can Be! ◦ Impact on Instructional/Classroom practices Student Achievement ◦ How will this be applied to future practice? 21