Standards in E government Harm Jan van Burg OASIS E-gov Technical Committee Oasis adoption forum, London October 17,
Introduction n Ministry of Finance, The Netherlands n Tax and Customs administration n E-gov coordination team n Project leader national taxonomy project n Chair Oasis Tax-xml TC n Chair Oasis E-gov TC
E-government n When people interact with government they want to do so on their own terms. n They want high quality services which are accessible, convenient and secure. n They do not want to understand how government is organized, or to know which department or agency does what, or whether a function is exercised by central or local government. n Governments worldwide, are now developing and implementing strategies to l deliver services on-line to citizens and businesses l support the modernization of government l automate the exchange of data between governments
E-government n Real opportunity is to use information technology to help create fundamental improvement in the efficiency, convenience and quality of service. n Offer more convenient access to services and transform how governments organize mainstream delivery. n Requires technical policies and specifications for achieving interoperability and information systems coherence across the public sector. n The main thrust nowadays by governments is to adopt the Internet and World Wide Web specifications for all their systems, and to adopt XML and XSL as the core standards for data integration and the presentation of data.
Benefits n Governments deliver electronic services faster n Governments develop inter-agency and/or inter-government transactions. n Governments ensuring interoperability n Lowering development an maintenance costs n Benefit from international expertise and experiences
E-gov TC n The purpose of this TC is to provide a forum for Governments internationally to voice their needs and requirements with respect to XML-based standards which can be handed off to relevant OASIS TCs, provide a mechanism for the creation of best practice documents, and promote the adoption of OASIS specs/standards within Governments.
Charter A forum for governments internationally to voice their needs and requirements n A mechanism for creating best practice documents relative to the adoption of OASIS specifications/standards n Promote the adoption of OASIS specifications/standards within Governments n Work with other OASIS channels and other international standards bodies’ channels
E-gov TC n Formed Sept 2002 l Founding members: OeE, Republica Finland, US GSA, SAP, Web Methods n Inaugural Meeting Dec 2002 n Regular meetings and workshops l Teleconference and face-to-face l Face to face conference here in London
Membership Around 175 to date n Governments l UK, USA, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Malaysia, Korea, Australia n ICT suppliers – small and large n Members of other OASIS TCs and other Standards Bodies n Many others
Tc projects (1) n Search Service Interoperability - Committee Draft agreed n ebXML Messaging within Government - requirements document produced n Harmonizing Taxonomies – draft Glossary of Terms n Naming and Design Rules – proposal submitted
Tc projects (2) n Interoperability of ebXML Registries - Proof of Concept to go live soon n Workflow standards – paper under review n Records Management – proposal paper submitted n Semantic Interoperability – Business Implementation Guidelines
Tax Administration Process
Contact info n chair n website l Goto Law & Government l E-gov