Atomic Structure & The Periodic Table Chapter 5
Objectives Students will be able to: Recognize where atoms of some common elements are found and how they are named. Describe atomic structure and how that structure determines an elements identity. Identify number of proton, electrons, and neutrons using a periodic table. Interpret information about an element using a periodic table. Evaluate and calculate the number of atomic particles and the atomic mass using a chocolate chip cookie.
All matter is made of atoms! Everything in this room is made up of atoms!
2400 Years Ago…. Greek philosophers proposed that everything on Earth was made of only four basic substances– air, water, fire, and earth. Everything else contained a mixture of these substances. Today chemists know that about 100 basic substances, or elements, account for everything we see and touch.
Types of Atoms in Earth’s Crust and Living Things Hydrogen atoms account for about 90% of the total mass of the universe (3), but make up only 1% of the Earth’s crust. Most of these atoms are combined with oxygen atoms in the form of water. Living things contain at least 25 types of atoms. Primarily oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.
Names and Symbols of Elements Elements get their names in many different ways. Magnesium was named for the region in Greece known as Magnesia. Lithium comes from the Greek word lithos, which means “stone” Neptunium was named after the planet Neptune. Mg Np Li
Names and Symbols of elements- each element has a unique symbol (6) Some elements use the first letter of its name. EX) Hydrogen- H Sulfur- S Carbon- C Some use the first letter of its name plus one other letter. (2nd letter is not capitalized.) EX) Aluminum- Al Platinum- Pt Zinc- Zn Some elements use Latin names for symbols EX) Lead-Pb Mercury-Hg Tin-Sn
Element Symbols The origin of some symbols, however, are less obvious. The symbol for gold is Au. The symbol for lead is Pb. The symbol for iron is Fe
Symbols you need to know B- Boron H- Hydrogen
Symbols you need to know He- Helium Hg- Mercury I- Iodine Ag- Silver
Symbols you need to know!!! Pb-Lead Sn-Tin Au- Gold Zn-Zinc
Symbols you need to know Ni- Nickel Mn-Manganese K- Potassium S- Sulfur
Symbols you need to know Al- Aluminum Na- Sodium O- Oxygen C- Carbon
Symbols you need to know Cu- Copper Fe- Iron Ca- Calcium Cl- Chlorine
Symbols you need to know Si- Silicon Mg- Magnesium Ne- Neon Ni- Nitrogen
John Dalton In the early 1800’s British scientist John Dalton proposed that each element is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Dalton stated that all of the atoms of a particular element are identical but are different from atoms of all other elements. Daltons theory also assumed that atoms could not be divided into anything simpler. Scientist later found that atoms are made of even smaller particles.
The Structure of an Atom A key discovery leading to the current model of the atom was that atoms contain charged particles. The charge is either positive or negative.
The structure of an Atom Atoms are composed of three types of particles--- electrons, protons, and neutrons. Proton- Positively charged particle. Inside the nucleus. (11) Neutron- An uncharged particle, Has the same mass as a proton. Inside the nucleus. (12) Electron- Negatively charged particles that move around outside the nucleus. (13)
Atomic Structure: Electrons Atoms are extremely small. In fact, you could fit millions of atoms in the period at the end of this sentence. Electrons are much smaller than protons or neutrons. About 2000 times smaller. They also move about the nucleus very quickly. Negative electrons are attracted to the positive charged protons.
Atomic Numbers The identity of an atom is determined by the number of protons in its nucleus, called the Atomic number. (17) Every hydrogen atom- atomic number 1- has exactly one proton in its nucleus. Gold has 79 protons which means the atomic number is 79.
Atomic Mass Numbers The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus is called its atomic mass number. (18) While the atoms of a certain element always have the same number of protons, they may not always the same number of neutrons, so not all atoms of an element have the same atomic mass number. These are called isotopes. (19)
Chlorine isotopes
Isotopes You can find the number of neutrons in a particular isotope by subtracting the atomic number from the atomic mass number.
Ions An ion is formed when an atoms loses or gains one or more electrons. Because the number of electrons and protons are not equal—there is an overall charge on the particle (22) EX)A Na atoms that has 10 electrons is considered to be a positive ion. (23) EX) A Cl atom that has 18 electrons is considered to be a negative ion. (24)
Atomic Mass The atomic mass of the atoms of an element is the average mass of all the element’s isotopes. (27)
Mendeleev Russian Chemist: Dmitri Mendeleev Arranged elements based on their physical and chemical properties. He arranged them in rows on a chart. In 1869 he produced the first periodic table of elements.
Mendeleev Mendeleev left some empty spaces where no known elements fit the pattern. He predicted new elements would be discovered. He even described some of the properties of the unknown elements. Six years after the periodic table was published an element, aluminum, was discovered that matched some of Mendeleev’s descriptions!
Periodic Table We call it the periodic table because it shows a periodic, or repeating pattern of properties of the elements.(29) The background colors of the square indicate whether the element is a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
Reading the Periodic Table The number at the top of the square is the atomic number- the number protons in an element. (33) The chemical symbol is an abbreviation for the element’s name (34) The name of the element is written below the symbol (35) The number below the name indicates the average atomic mass of all the isotopes of the element (36)
The Periodic Table (p. 148-149) The color of the element’s symbol indicates the physical state of the element. letters indicate a gas Blue letters indicate a liquid Black letters indicate a solid White
Groups Elements in a vertical column of the periodic table show similarities in their chemical and physical properties. Columns are known as groups (39) Example: Halogen group: Combine easily with many other elements and compounds. Example: Some metals react violently with water and are all located in the same group.
Period Each horizontal row in the periodic table is called the period. (40) The chemical properties of the elements show a progression Atomic size decreases as you travel across the periodic table.
Review Q: What are the particles that make up an atom? A: Protons, neutrons, and electrons
Review Q: The atomic number of potassium is 19. How does potassium-39 differ from potassium-41? A: Potassium-41 has two more neutrons.
Review Q: How is the modern periodic table organized? A: By the atomic Number
Review Q: What information about an atom’s properties can you read from the periodic table. A: The number of protons in an atom’s nucleus, the average mass of one atom of that element, the element’s symbol, and the elements name.
Review Q: Would you expect strontium (Sr) to be more like potassium (K) or bromine (Br)? A: Potassium, because it is closer on the periodic table
Now We Are Ready for the Atomic Cookie Activity!
Section 5.3 The Periodic Table is a Map of Elements Objectives: Classify elements as metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. Identify different groups of elements. Describe radioactive elements.
How Are Elements Different? Each element is located in a different part of the periodic table, and each has a very different use.
Periodic Table has distinct Regions! The Periodic Table is like a road map. Just as a map shows you where your going, an atoms position on the periodic table indicates the properties of an element. The Periodic table has 3 main regions: (45) Metals on the left Nonmental on the right (except- H) Metalloids in between
The Periodic Table An element’s position in the table also indicates how reactive it is. Reactive indicates how likely an element is to undergo a chemical change. Atoms in Groups 1 & 7 are the most reactive. Elements in Group 18 are the least reactive. (47)
Most Elements are Metals Metals are elements that conduct electricity and heat well and have a shiny appearance. They can also be shaped by bending or being drawn into a long wire. Except for Mercury, Hg. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. Most metals are solid at room temperature.
Reactive Metals Group 1: Alkali Metals are extremely reactive. (49) In fact, Sodium and Potassium are usually stored in oil, to keep them from reacting with air. When exposed to air these elements react rapidly with oxygen and water vapor. The ions of these metals are important for life, and play an essential role in the functioning of living cells.
Reactive Metals Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals are less reactive than the Alkali metals. (50) Calcium ions are an essential part of your diet. Magnesium is a light, inexpensive metal that is often combined with other metals and used in airplane frames.
Transition Metals The elements in Groups 3-12 (51) The earliest known elements: Cu, Au, Ag, and Fe. Generally less reactive than other metals. This is why Gold and Silver are easily shaped and used for jewelry. Ancient artifacts made from transition metals can be found, remained unchanged. You can even find transition metals in foods you eat!
Transition Metals The properties of transition metals make them very important to industries. Iron used to make steel- bridges and buildings Copper used to make electrical wire Many are important for modern technology Incandescent light bulbs made of tungsten Platinum is used in catalytic converters
Alloys Two or more metals combine to form an alloy. (52) Alloys can be stronger, less likely to corrode, and easier to shape than pure metals. Example: Steel- contains iron, nickel, chromium, and manganese.
Rare Earth Metals (53) Found in the top row of the rows of metals outside the main body of the periodic table. Known as lanthanides because they follow the element lanthanum on the table. Called Rare Earth Metals because scientist once thought they were only found in tiny amounts on Earth. Eventually scientist learned that they are not SO rare, but they are hard to isolate in pure form!
Rare Earth Metals More and more uses are being found for the rare earth metals. Europium, Eu, is used as a coating for television tubes. Praseodymium, Pr, provides a protective coating against harmful radiation in a welder’s helmet
Non-Metals (54) Elements on the right side of the periodic table Many are gases at room temperature, except bromine (liquid) EX) Oxygen, Neon, Chlorine, Radon
Halogen (55) Group 17 Named for the Greek words meaning “forming salts” Very reactive Form compounds called salts
Noble Gases (Inert Gases) (56) Group 18 Almost never react with other elements
Metalloids (57) Have properties of both metals and nonmetals Found along a zig-zag Separate metals and non-metals Often semi-conductors found in electronic devices
The identity of an element is determined by the number of protons in its nucleus. Chemical changes do not affect the nucleus. (59)
Radioactivity process by which atoms produce energy and particles Marie Curie was the first person to isolate polonium and radium, two of the radioactive elements
Radioactivity An isotope is radioactive if the nucleus has too many or too few neutrons. (62) Most elements have radioactive isotopes. Scientist study radioactivity with a device called a Geiger counter.
Radioactivity Radiation from unstable nuclei is used in hospitals is used to diagnose and treat patients Can destroy harmful tumors
Radioactivity (65 & 66) Radioactive elements produce energy and particles from their nuclei The amount of time it takes for one-half of the atoms in a particular sample to decay is called the half-life of the isotope.