The Periodic Table of Elements Block 6 & 7 SNC1D1 Grade 9 Science
The periodic table contains information on all the known elements of the universe Metals, metalloids, and non-metals Rows in the periodic table are called periods Columns are called groups Recall from Wednesday
Each group/family has a name C. Families
Alkali Metals First column…called “Group 1” VERY REACTIVE metals Always found combined in nature with another element Soft enough to be cut with a butter knife!
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours MetalGroupPeriodAppearance of metal ReactantObservations of reaction LiH2OH2O NaH2OH2O KH2OH2O RbH2OH2O CsH2OH2O Table 1: Observations of Group 1 Metals
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours MetalGroupPeriodAppearance of metal ReactantObservations of reaction Li12H2OH2O Na13H2OH2O K14H2OH2O Rb15H2OH2O Cs16H2OH2O Table 1: Observations of Group 1 Metals
Alkali Metals in water See Videos: Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium & Cesium
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours Table 1: Observations of Group 1 Metals MetalGroupPeriodAppearan ce of metal ReactantObservations of reaction Li12 Silvery, soft H2OH2O Bubbles/gas forms Na13 Silvery, soft H2OH2O Bubbles form fast, burns with orange flame K14 Silvery, soft H2OH2O Faster rxn than Na, burns with lilac flame Rb15 Silvery, soft H2OH2O Faster rxn than K, flames flying Cs16 Silvery, soft H2OH2O Faster rxn than Rb, flames flying, breaking glass
What would you expect from Francium?!?!
Alkaline Earth Metals Second column…called “Group 2” REACTIVE metals, but not as much as Group 1 Always combine with non-metals in nature Some make up important minerals in our diet
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours MetalGroupPeriodAppearan ce of metal ReactantObservations of reaction MgH2OH2O CaH2OH2O Table 2: Observations of Group 2 Metals
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours MetalGroupPeriodAppearan ce of metal ReactantObservations of reaction Mg23 Silvery, slightly soft H2OH2O Ca24 Silvery, harder metal H2OH2O Table 2: Observations of Group 2 Metals See Videos: Magnesium Calcium
VIDEO DEMO: Comparing Family Behaviours MetalGroupPeriodAppearan ce of metal ReactantObservations of reaction Mg23 Silvery, slightly soft H2OH2O Bubbles formed on Mg strip Ca24 Silvery, harder metal H2OH2O Bubbles quickly forming, fast reaction Table 2: Observations of Group 2 Metals
Transition Metals Middle Section…Groups 3-12 Hard metals that are less reactive Metals used in construction and jewellery Also used to make paints and other pigments
The Halogens Column 17…called “Group 7” REACTIVE non- metals and volatile (gaseous) Always combine with metals in nature Used as disinfectants (Cl) & to strengthen teeth (F)
Noble Gases Column 18…called “Group 8” Very UNREACTIVE gases because they have a full outer shell of electrons Used in “neon” signs and balloons
Jellyfish lamps made with noble gases artist- Eric EhlenbergerEric Ehlenberger
Colors Noble Gases produce in lamp tubes: Ne (Neon): orange-red Hg (Mercury): light blue Ar (Argon): pale lavender He (Helium): pale peach Kr (Krypton): pale silver Xe (Xenon): pale, deep blue
HOMEWORK Memorize the name & symbols of 1 st 20 elements + Fe, Ag, Au, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Sn, Hg, Pt, W Block 7 text questions