The Early Years
Planning the war… The colonies declared their independence in July 1776 The British and the Patriots expected the war to be short Americans believed the British would give up British planned to crush the rebellion
Difficulties of the Continental Congress Continental Congress had little power Couldn’t raise money Difficulty getting soldiers The American Revolution was really 13 separate wars Each state pursued their own interest
British Advantages Strongest Navy in the world Experienced, well-trained army Wealthy Had some support from Loyalists About one of every three Americans were Loyalists (Tories) Larger Population 8.5 million British vs. 2.5 million U.S.
British Disadvantages Had to travel thousands of miles to fight Fought with less conviction Relied on mercenaries
Patriot Advantages Fighting to protect their homes Leadership George Washington
Patriot Disadvantages No regular army Weak navy Soldiers lacked experience Little military equipment Not everyone supported independence
Patriot soldiers
Women Women also served in the war Some women served as spies and soldiers Some would go with their husbands Others would disguise themselves as boys
Woman delivering supplies to Patriot fort
African Americans African Americans sided with both the British and the Patriots At first, the Patriots were hesitant to allow African Americans to serve. Eventually, every state besides South Carolina recruited African Americans The British and the Patriots each promised African Americans freedom and money
African American fighting for the British
Early Battles Battle of Long Island 1776 Patriots are defeated near New York Nathanial Hale Teacher from Connecticut Hero of Long Island Began spying on British troops He was discovered and hanged.
“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” -Nathanial Hale
Winter of Patriots’ Army was near collapse Morale was low Needed a morale boost
Trenton, New Jersey 1776 Christmas Night George Washington surprises the British Crossed the Delaware River at night Provided a morale boost
British Victories British forced the Continental Congress to flee Philadelphia The British plan was to separate and capture New England The Patriots were able to delay the British General Burgoyne- 30 wagons of luxury goods!
Battle of Saratoga Patriot victory! October 17, 1777 British reinforcements never arrived General Horatio Gates surrounded the British soldiers The Battle of Saratoga convinces France to join the war!