IYC 2012 and beyond Australia-Italy Comparative Co-operative Symposium Third and final symposia Italy/Australia Co-operatives Research Project Melina Morrison Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
"Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.” Franklin Roosevelt Collaboration
Australia’s IYC 2012 Campaign
Commemorative Yearbook
Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals Promote co-operative and mutual business model, & Develop the sector
Goals of the BCCM Representative on the B20 business roundtable that will take place during the G20 meetings in 2014 (Australia is hosting) Commonwealth Minister for Co-operatives and Mutuals
Global 300 International trade mark Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade International priorities
Member ownership in Australia Source: Who knew Australians were so co-operative? The size and scope of mutually owned co-ops in Australia, The Australia Institute, October 2012
The Co-operative Decade Blueprint Environmental degradation and resource depletion. An unstable financial sector and increasing income inequality. Growing global governance gap. Disenfranchised younger generation.
By 2020 … The fastest growing form of enterprise. The model preferred by people. The acknowledged leader in economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Establishing New Mutuals
Those who use our model of business must use this critical moment to stand proud in our co-op credentials and tell the world that we are NOT business as usual. And we demand an equal place in the global economy”. Dame Pauline Green, President ICA