POST-AWARD ADMINISTRATION Kenna Bishop Office Manager Post-Award Manager
Introduction The lifecycle of a grant Problems arising from late deliverables What you should let us know Take home messages Harmonisation and Je-S developments Funding Assurance Programme (FAP)
Life Cycle of a Grant Acceptance Letter Ethical Form Starting Certificate Payments Abeyance Transfers Change of PI Changes of Objectives Extension Requests Final Report Annual Statement START END Final Expenditure Statement
Why does this all matter? Research Council’s operate within tight financial constraints from one year to another Commitment reporting Forecast reporting is based on aggregate of payment schedules
Life Cycle of a Research Grant Announcement Letter Acceptance Realistic start dates please! Confirms acceptance of terms & conditions. More importantly confirmation that both the finance office and grant holder have read & accepted the terms & conditions Ethical & Social Concerns (BBSRC Specific) Funding will not be released until the form is returned Starting Certificate Submission of the starting certificate is required not more than 42 days after the start date
Problems arising from late deliverables: Acceptance and Starting certificates – Delayed payments, incorrect forecasting, cash flow issues, effects end date and submission dates for final reports and FES. Annual Statements – All payments to RO are stopped. Final Expenditure Statement - delays reconciliation acknowledgement and possible delay to final payment to institution, possible financial sanction. NOTE:- FES should show actual costs incurred Final Scientific Report – delays final payment to RO. PI ineligible for further funding until received. Possibility of financial sanctions on RO.
What you should let us know In accordance with the terms and conditions ; –Abeyance; Sickness, Maternity, Resignation –Transfers –Change of Principal Investigator –Change of objectives
Take home messages Please read and comply with relevant Research Councils terms and conditions Please talk to us, As soon as possible In the form of:- , letter, phone call, fax Study tours, ad-hoc visits from R.C. to R.O. and vice versa, Funding Assurance Programme (FAP) If in doubt, contact us 6.pdf
Harmonisation Research Administration Convergence Group Develops and maintains the core cross-council set of terms and conditions for research grants, fellowships and training grants. Develop policy, practice and guidance related to proposal costing (FEC). Oversees the implementation of the institutional eligibility process. Consults with the Research Organisation Convergence Group to obtain a Research Organisation perspective on cross-Council issues. Undertaking a substantial revision of the FEC FAQ’s introduced in 2005
Je-S Updates Regional Seminars – these took place in May & June, outlined future plans and Je-S developments. Pre and Post Award Studentships – development of the Student/Researcher data portal (SRDP) – capturing data for Doctoral Training Grants EPSRC went live with the functionality for Annual Statements EPSRC to “go live” shortly with Award Announcements
Shared Services Centre (SSC) Mechanism for Research Councils to harmonise processes SSC will deal with the processing of grants Retained staff within the Research Councils dealing mainly with policy SSC is now operational and providing IT and Procurement to the RC’s Transfer of the grants element will begin late 2009 Next Generation Back Office (NGBO) detailed processes and requirements have been agreed. Planning and implementation will begin in earnest in the new few months.
Funding Assurance Programme (FAP) Previously known as DIPSTICK TESTING Introduced 1996 – result of cash limits Objective is to provide assurance to the Accounting Officer Accountability of public funds Annual Report summarises activity for the year and level of assurance obtained for each visit undertaken visits per annum by 2/3 Councils All Research Councils working together Good basis for communication between Research Organisations and RC’s