Faculty Commitment to Increasing Diversity in Ph.D. Programs Gayle R. Slaughter, Ph.D.
Under-represented Minority Recruitment to Baylor College of Medicine Ph.D. Programs Ph.D. applicants Ph.D. appl. interviewed Ph.D. applicants accepted * Ph.D. matriculates * * as of April 27, Hopwood case impacts recruitment 2 NIGMS IMSD awarded
Investment in Recruitment l SMART summer undergraduate research program 30% URM participants l SMART GRE Prep Course l Research conferences for URM students l Campus visits l Interviews for Ph.D. candidates
Improvements in Ph.D. Application Review l Electronic application - no fee l Student Development Committee reviews all URM applications advises programs on interviewing candidates advises programs on interviewing candidates creates plans of action for students creates plans of action for students determines funding from NIGMS IMSD l Ph.D. program admissions committees consider a range of characteristics in awarding interviews and positions
Ph.D. Program Application Evaluation l Commitment to become a scientist l Research experience l Letters of recommendation l Grades in undergraduate and M.S. courses l GRE scores
Individualized Development Plans l Created for each student l Areas that need strengthening are specified in the acceptance letter l Monitored by PI and faculty mentors l Adjusted as student progresses
Summer Prematriculation Program l Research with faculty mentors l Scientific communications workshops reading the scientific literature attending SMART Program daily seminars l Review of Molecular Cell Biology by Ph.D. students l English as a second language course
Academic Year Support l Faculty mentors l Individualized course plans l Tutoring and resource library l Minority seminar speaker series l Fellowship application support l Skills building workshops l MERGE meetings; outreach activities
Retention Rates of BCM Ph.D. Students YearEnrolled Withdrew +Dismissed% Retention Total URM non-URM Total URMnon-URM Total URM non-URM Base
Impact of the NIGMS IMSD Grant l Catalyzed an increase in diversity and success l Protected faculty from the fear of lawsuits l Validated support by faculty for URM education l Provided resources for improving support system
Outcomes of NIGMS IMSD to BCM l Number of students enrolled has increased by 100% l Performance of students has increased in all areas l Retention of students is 97% l Students rate all activities as very good to excellent l Students rate the impact on themselves as higher than the impact on the institution l Ph.D. program directors rate the impact as higher on the institution than on the individual students l URM education is a positive element of training grant reviews