16 September 20021 GridPP 5 th Collaboration Meeting D0&CDF SAM and The Grid Act I: Grid, Sam and Run II Rick St. Denis – Glasgow University Act II: Sam4CDF.


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Presentation transcript:

16 September GridPP 5 th Collaboration Meeting D0&CDF SAM and The Grid Act I: Grid, Sam and Run II Rick St. Denis – Glasgow University Act II: Sam4CDF and Core Sam Stefan Stonjek – Oxford University Act III: Core Sam and SamGrid Rod Walker – Imperial College

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 2 OutLine Sam For CDF Run 2 Director’s Review and R2D2 FTE’s Usage by CDF Evolution of SAM into Grid/SAM

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 3 SAM for CDF History: 4 posts for CDF and D0  Monte Carlo, SAM for CDF, 2 SAM/Grid  Risk and Resource assessment: Define 3 phases: pilot, integration, Grid-ification Enormous Thanks to D0 and FNAL CD for help! To work for Anyone, It must work for someone

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 4 Pre Pilot Project (done)  Adapt to CDF software - AC++ interface: Done  Tape access- Enstore: Done  Database and Server Installation: Done (Lets get going!) [The Snake Oil Test]  Distribution of Stations: Difficult: SAM for CDF project

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 5 Commissioning of SAM for CDF (done) GOALS support 5 groups that do data analysis enable access to datasets of interest production availability of the systems limit impact on CDF enstore CDF portakamp 6509 CDF Offline 6509 Border Router CDFen DCache fcdfsam sam station enstore stat ~1TB Cache Perm. Disk fndaut (sun) name service sam db server optimizer logger web server monitoring fcdfora2 Oracle DB (dev, int) nglas09 sam_station (analysis) Cache Fermilab remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache remote sam_station (analysis) Cache STKen 5TB 100 MB 1 GB 100 MB (multiple) fcdfora1 Oracle DB (prd) CD Switch STATUS Hardware and Software there Translation of the CDF DFC shadowed in SAM Developed AC++ interfaces to SAM to retrieve and analyze files. Automatic output to SAM not ready, yet. Enabled access to DCache. Deploying sites

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 6 Directors Review of Run2 computing 4/6/02: Report (12/6/02) “The committee recognized that [distributed computing] for CDF is in its early stages and encourages the continued development and particularly in collaboration with D0 and CD to achieve that. That collaboration is clearly beginning with the move towards the use of SAM in CDF.” “ … Joint projects have been strongly encouraged.” “We believe that the use of SAM by both experiments is clearly the right choice.” Recommenation: “CDF Should be encouraged to contribute dedicated effort to the SAM project since now both experiments are making use of it.” Remote Analysis and Grid Development: “…recommends that both collaborations develop more detailed plans for coordinated use of remote facilities.” “The committee believes that GRID is a promising technology… The first step of GRID-enabling SAM is a reasonable goal and is endorsed by the Committee.”

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 7 R2D2: Run 2 Data Handling and Distributed Computing Steering Committee Joint project D0/CDF priorities Translation to tasks CDF, D0 Liaisons (Rick St. Denis, Chip Brock) CD departments: CDF, D0, DB, Tape (Harris, Merritt, Votava, Petravick US Grid (Pordes) CDF/D0 IT Managers (Boehnlein,Qian,W uertwein)

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 8 FTE’s E-science student at IC will do SAM E-science students at Glasgow use SAM for real world input Stefan and Rod, E-sci student Oxford Alan Flavell: network Dave Waters,Todd & I Attracting manpower (U Chicago, Karlsruhe, Trieste)

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 9 Analysis Now: A real use case Now  J/Psi Dataset on tape  Remake Ntuple on FNAL Desktop  150 Files (150G) overnight, but memory leak killed it!  Wanted to run parallel jobs off the same dataset anyway…

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 10 Usage CDF still sceptical, does not have to have sam/Grid right now: lumi targets off by 10 times:”I don’t need grid for 80G of ntuples” New management in great support of Sam: proactive New management wants to give users tools and let them choose the best way to the physics.

16 September 2002Rick St. Denis – Glasgow 11 From Grid Development to Experiment Grid Development GridPP, EDG, Computer Scientists SAM/Grid Test station setup SAM Physics Analysis samcp