Advanced Sports Training “Being Weak is a Choice…Get Strong!”
Class Expectations ABSENCES – Any absence, excused or unexcused, will be recorded as a 0. You will have two weeks to make up your zero. – If you are gone for an athletic event, you will still be responsible for lifting days (M, W, and F). If you know you will be gone for a game or meet, you will be expected to be at morning workouts. – 5 days missed= 20% of workouts
Class Expectations Tardies- – You are an athlete! Be mature, be a leader, be responsible and get here on time! Very simple – 1st tardy- verbal warning – 2nd- Warning – 3rd- After school detention – 4th- After school detention – 5th- Afterschool detention/ referral to VP/ letter grade drop
Class Expectations Injury/Illness Policy – Anything that requires you to miss 3 or more days, you must provide a doctor’s note. Program can be modified as necessary. Zero Tolerance Policy for Safety!! Disregard for safety standards will have you removed from class
Proficiency Model The class will be broken down as follows: – Proficiency: 35% of final grade – Personal Management: 60% – Testing: 5%
What will you need to be proficient in? I am expecting you to be proficient in the following 5 lifts – Back squat (10 out of 10) – Power Clean (9 out of 10) – Split Jerk (9 out of 10) – Front Squat (9 out of 10) You will be evaluated 2-3 times in each of these lifts. Must show proficiency at least once in each lift
What is personal management? The following will be included in your personal management grade: – Tardies – Dress – Completion of workout – Effort – Redirection by teacher – Attendance
What is my number one job? TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND PLAYING! As your season progresses, modification will become greater. On the other side of that, injury is not an excuse not to train. Understand this- I am here for you!! I want all of you to be successful, if you make the choice to be successful.
Trimester 3’s Focus: SPEED!! Spring is the time for emphasis on speed development We will be lifting 3 days a week and focusing on agility, plyometric and speed work the other 2 days.
Speed= Genetic Potential+Strength+Technique
The plan for the trimester… We will be treating this trimester as a 12- week macrocycle, meaning we will be only maxing one time at the end of the 12 weeks (you will still be hitting PRs as you go). 1 st mesocycle- 5x5 (65%,75,70,80) Focus is on technique and strength 2 nd mesocycle- 5x3 (75, 85, 80, 90%) Focus is power/strength 3 rd mesocycle- 3s, 2s, and 1s (80-105%) Explosive Power
Trimester 3 Continued Weightroom Days: Each day in the weight room, you will have a Press, a Pull and some form of squat. This will be the foundation of our program!! After completing the core of your workout, you will then choose 2 Sport Specific Auxillaries (SSAs) to complete your workout for the day
What is a Sport Specific Auxillary? An SSA is a movement designed to replicate the work you will be doing in the sport(s) of your choice If you are currently in a sport, you are encouraged to do the SSAs from that sport. If you are a multi-sport athlete, I would encourage you to take a movement from each sport This type of work takes commitment and a level of maturity. If your goal is to be the best in your sport, this should not be an issue
My Weight Room Philosophy Emphasis on Olympic lifts (lifts that put you on your feet) We want the bar to move efficiently and quickly. “You lift slow, you play slow.” Soccer, football, wrestling, basketball, etc- These are all games of movement! If you can’t move, you will struggle to compete
It’s not just about strength… It’s about the efficient application of that strength What is more athletic and explosive? This? oLcOJKB8 oLcOJKB8 Or this? zQBsNI60 zQBsNI60
Sports Nutrition/supplements Eat as much lean meats, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds as you want (think Paleo)! Stay away from the enriched wheats, simple sugars, and liquid calories. Have as much discipline in your diet as your training Water-.5 oz per lb of body weight (200 lb athlete= 100 oz of water) Protein gram of protein for every lb of body weight The supplement business is mostly built on empty promises. Save your money, eat right and work hard
Philosophy (cont.) The weight room will reveal your character – The greatest test for your character in this class will be how hard you work on the things that are difficult for you… – This is NOT social hour!! We are here to work and get better. – If I get on you about your effort, your first thought should be “what can I do better?” not “Nowlin is being a jerk.” Again…what is your character? – If you are not in here to work and get better, don’t waste my time or yours
Communication If you have a game, meet or tournament, please communicate with me at the beginning of the period. You will not be excused for the day, but your program will be modified I am here to make you better, not to exhaust you for the sake of exhausting you.
What is your athletic/life philosophy? What is the guiding philosophy that influences the choices you make when it comes to your athletic career? You must be able to articulate it in less than 25 words or less. My philosophy?: I want to be the best Father, Husband, Coach and Teacher Returning class members- Goals for Squat, Clean, Bench and 40. A specific area you want to improve on