APPLIED MECHANICS Lecture 13 Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava APPLIED MECHANICS Lecture 13
Available Commercial FEM Software Packages ALGOR ANSYS COSMOS/M STARDYNE/FEMAP MSC/NASTRAN SAP90/2000 ADINA NISA GT Strudl ABAQUS Plaxis ... Matlab based: CalFem FemLab CAE products: Pro/ENGINEER Pro/FEA Pro/MECHANICA Cosmos/Works Inventor/ANSYS IDEAS
What is Finite Element Analysis?
What is Finite Element Analysis? Divide a continuum with infinitely degrees of freedom in to finite elements with a given number of DOF An element is geometrical defined by a number of nodes in which the elements are connected. The directions a node can move in is termed degrees of freedom
Introduction to ANSYS ANSYS - FEA software enables engineers to perform the following tasks: Build computer models or transfer CAD models of structures, products, components, or systems. Apply operating loads or other design performance conditions. Study physical responses, such as stress levels, temperature distributions, or electromagnetic fields. Optimize a design early in the development process to reduce production costs. Do prototype testing in environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or impossible (for example, biomedical applications).
Introduction to ANSYS Facilities in ANSYS: Structural Linear Structural Nonlinear Structural Contact/Common Boundaries Structural Dynamic Structural Buckling Thermal Analysis CFD Analysis Electromagnetic -Low Frequency Electromagnetics-High Frequency Field and Coupled-Field Analysis
Introduction to ANSYS Facilities in ANSYS: Solvers Preprocessing Iterative Sparse Frontal Explicit Preprocessing Postprocessing General Features
Interfacing with ANSYS Matlab, Excel CAD –Pro/ENGINEER IGES Log-file editing Application Programming Interface (API) ...
Analysis Phases PREPROCESSOR SOLUTION POSTPROCESSOR Build the model. Apply loads and obtain the solution. POSTPROCESSOR Review the results.
Analysis Phases - PREPROCESSING
Analysis Phases - PREPROCESSING Element Type BEAM CIRCUit COMBINation CONTACt FLUID HF (HighFrequency) HYPERelastic INFINite INTERface LINK MASS MATRIX MESH Multi-PointConstraint PIPE PLANE PRETS (Pretension) SHELL SOLID SOURCe SURFace TARGEt TRANSducer USER VISCOelastic(or viscoplastic)
Analysis Phases - PREPROCESSING
Analysis Phases - PREPROCESSING
Analysis Phases - SOLUTION
Analysis Phases - SOLUTION Types of loads Structural - displacements, forces, pressures, temperatures (for thermal strain), gravity Thermal - temperatures, heat flow rates, convections, internal heat generation, infinite surface Magnetic - magnetic potentials, magnetic flux, magnetic current segments, source current density, infinite surface Electric - electric potentials (voltage), electric current, electric charges, charge densities, infinite surface Fluid - velocities, pressures Loads - six categories: DOF constraints forces (concentrated loads) surface loads body loads inertia loads coupled-field loads
Analysis Phases - POSTROCESSOR
Analysis Phases - POSTPROCESSOR General Postproc> Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Sol
Analysis Phases - POSTPROCESSOR Element Table
Analysis Phases - POSTPROCESSOR Plot Path