RITTS – East Lombardy Optimization of the Innovation System: New ways for a Network supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). A Bottom-Up Approach for the East Lombardy area Regione Lombardia Unione Europea Provincia di Mantova Provincia di Cremona Provincia di Brescia Provincia di Bergamo
RITTS – East Lombardy The Area East Lombardy includes the provinces of Mantua, Brescia, Cremona and Bergamo with a significantly high number of SMEs High rates of specialization (Textile-Garment, Metalworking, Mechanical Equipment Manufacture, Electric Equipment Manifacture) Population: 2,717,283 Active population: 1,150,000 (42.3%) Total Firms: 206,037 Manifacturing Industries: 40,839 Employees: 877,167 Manifacturing Employees: 426,830 (48.7%)
RITTS – East Lombardy The Aims of the Ritts East Lombardy a)The revision of local infrastructure systems devoted to the technological innovation transfer b)The implementation of a stable network among the following three levels: a) government and research centres; b) local agencies (within the industrial clusters) and c) some very innovative district firms c)The organization of expert innovators inside the local agencies with a role of mediator between demand and supply d)The removal of barriers to innovation through a requalification of communication languages among the institutions e)Starting pilot project experiences through a chain of reaction which extends the innovation process to an increasingly high number of firms
RITTS – East Lombardy The fragmentary Innovation System In short, within these industrial clusters, the firms do not have the appropriate conditions for the exploitation of synergy and cooperation
RITTS – East Lombardy Programming Strategic Actions (Key "Axes" in the East Lombardy) AP1Support and coordination Actions for a Network of qualified Operators in order to optimize the innovation infrastructures AP2Development of the Interaction Junctions within the local districts and the productive specialization areas AP3Promotion of Innovative Financial Services supporting the strategic innovation AP4Support for high risk strategic innovation with special public funds AP5Promotion of Training Activities on innovation within the firms
RITTS – East Lombardy Approach to the Innovation Transfer For every District and specialized SME groups Community building: This is the definition phase. It is useful to individualize the available subjects and Insitutions leading to the constitution of the Interaction Junction. Networking activities within and outside the district are essential. Constitution of the Interaction Junction: This is the strategic phase. It is fundamental to individualize the main items: communication and conversation process, communication languages, supply and demand of innovation, etc. Projects catalog: It is the tangible result of the common activities within the Interaction Junctions among the firms demanding and the research centre and universities offering innovation.
RITTS – East Lombardy The "Interaction Junctions" INTERACTION JUNCTIONS Optimized flows and interaction junctions within the industrial clusters Current flows of information for innovation and technology transfer INTERACTION JUNCTIONS DISTRICT FIRMS (INDUSTRIAL CLUSTER) Innovative District Firms Local District Agency (Lumetel, Cril, ecc.) National Research Centres (Universities, Laboratories, etc.) TODAY TOMORROW
RITTS – East Lombardy The "Interaction Junctions" within the Ritts East Lombardy FINAL OBJECTIVES Creation of a permanent network among subjects Continuous monitoring of the district - needs - evolution - trends Feasibility of the projects coming from the Junction Project development Optimization of the information transfer
RITTS – East Lombardy Some "Interaction Junctions" within the Ritts East Lombardy
RITTS – East Lombardy ACTIONS AND MEASURES COMING OUT FROM THE RITTS EAST LOMBARDY PROJECT ACTIONSMEASURES 1. Support and coordination Actions for a Network of qualifiedOperato rs in order to optimize the innovation infrastructures. A1.1. Establishment and maintenance of the specialized Network formed by espert animators of the Strategic Innovation. A1.2. Development of programmed spin-off and innovative start-up (even with firms Incubators). A1.3 Development of a check plan to control the information flows structures. A1.4. Continuation of the participation at the European Innovation Thematic Networks, initially developed by the Ritts East Lombardy Management Unit.
RITTS – East Lombardy ACTIONS AND MEASURES COMING OUT FROM THE RITTS EAST LOMBARDY PROJECT ACTIONSMEASURES 2. Development of the "Interaction Junctions" within the local districts and the productive specialization areas. A2.1.1Interaction Junction of the Wood district. Bergamo. A2.1.2Interaction Junction of the Button district. Bergamo. A2.1.3Interaction Junction of the Agri-food district. Provinces of Cremona, Mantova and Bergamo. A2.1.4Interaction Junction of the Diecasting firms. Brescia. A2.1.5Interaction Junction of the Lumezzane district. Brescia. A2.1.6Interaction Junction of the Hosiery district. Mantova and Brescia. A2.1.7Interaction Junction of the Domotics in the building sector. A2.1.8Interaction Junction of the Agricoltural Mechanics. Mantova. A2.2Establishment of new Interaction Junctions for creating stable "innovative projects producers" within the productive specializations, the districts and the local systems.
RITTS – East Lombardy ACTIONS AND MEASURES COMING OUT FROM THE RITTS EAST LOMBARDY PROJECT ACTIONSMEASURES 3. Promotion of Innovative Financial Services supporting the strategic innovation. A3.1 Starting up an experimental programme of private funds financing the innovation system (seed capital, private equity, venture capital, closed funds, etc.). A3.2 Public support in the diffusion of the "Business Angels Network" within the provinces of the East Lombardy.
RITTS – East Lombardy ACTIONS AND MEASURES COMING OUT FROM THE RITTS EAST LOMBARDY PROJECT ACTIONSMEASURES 4. Support for high risk strategic innovation with special public funds. A4.1 Increasing the public incentives for strategic research projects carried out by the districts SME in collaboration with the public/private supply system. A4.2Transfer, partly, risks and threatens during the experimentation of strategic innovation projects. A4.3 Starting up public actions supporting not - technological innovation (design, international projects, new markets research, creation of firms network, etc.).
RITTS – East Lombardy ACTIONS AND MEASURES COMING OUT FROM THE RITTS EAST LOMBARDY PROJECT ACTIONSMEASURES 5. Promotion of Training Activities on innovation within the firms. A5.1Establishment and widening, starting from the Interaction Junctions, of "On Line Learning Communities". A5.2 Activation of training programmes for District Services Centres and Development Agencies on Innovation and technological transfer. A5.3 Sensibilization of the financial system on innovation through special training projects.