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Carbohydrates Foods which give you energy helps body function well 45-65% of your total daily calories 2 types: –S–Simple (sugars) Sources: fruit, honey, soft drinks, and other sweets, etc… –C–Complex (starches) Sources: bread, cereal, potatoes and legumes, etc….
Fats One source of energy crucial for normal body function stay warm in cold weather grams per day 2 types: –S–Saturated fat (bad) Sources: animal or dairy foods, etc…. –U–Unsaturated fat (good) Sources: fish oil, plant oils, etc…..
Protein Builds up your muscles, organs Repairs and replaces them. Sources: meat, fish, eggs, legumes, etc… grams per day 2 types: –Antibodies proteins defend the body from germs –Enzymes proteins speed up chemical reactions
Fibre Different mixed substances, not digestible Speed up the movement of food Keep digestive system healthy and functioning properly 18 grams per day 2 types: –I–Insoluble fibre Sources: breads, whole grain cereals, etc…. –S–Soluble fibre Sources: fruits, vegetables, soya products, etc…
Vitamins Substances that are found in foods Body needs them to work properly Helps you grow and develop 4 types: –V–Vitamin D support bones (milk) –V–Vitamin A helps you see at night (carrot) –V–Vitamin C heals a cut (orange) –V–Vitamin B makes protein and energy (vegetable)
Minerals (dietary) Help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy Build strong bones Maintain normal heartbeats Body requires around 22 natural minerals 2 types: –Macro minerals (calcium) build strong bones Sources: fruit, seeds and nuts, bananas, potatoes, etc.... –Trace minerals (zinc) helps your immune system Sources: beef, pork, legumes, etc……
Water Most critical nutrient Regulate body temperature Transports nutrients and oxygen to organs Removes waste and protects organs Makes up around 66% of the body 7-10 glasses per day
Bibliography 264http:// etailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=284&id=1431http:// etailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=284&id= what_vitaminhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_fruit_contains_ what_vitamin information/dietary-fibre.htmlhttp:// information/dietary-fibre.html utrientshttp:// utrients