DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 Injury Statistics in the EU - At Work (DG Employment & social affairs + Eurostat)


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Presentation transcript:

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 Injury Statistics in the EU - At Work (DG Employment & social affairs + Eurostat) - Home and leisure accidents (DG Health and consummer protection)

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 l European Statistics on Accidents at Work: ESAW project l European Occupational Diseases Statistics: EODS project (not developed here) l Community Labour Force Survey (LFS): Ad-Hoc Module on HSW in 1999 Statistics on Health & Safety at Work (HSW)

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 lFramework Council Directive 89/391/EEC, Article 9 § c) and d) : employer shall keep list of accidents at work > 3 days + report to responsible authorities lCouncil Resolutions 88/C 028/01 & 95/C 168/01 lCommunity programme on “Safety, hygiene and health at work ” lCouncil Decision 99/126/EC on Community statistical programme : establishment consistent series lCommission Regulation 98/1571/EC (LFS ad hoc module) ESAW - LFS module main legal bases:

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 ESAW : 10 years works with EU experts  Main basis international standards statistics on occupational injuries 

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 l Provide consistent harmonised data for the monitoring of efficiency of regulation (existing Directives) / non-legislative measures HSW l Provide consistent harmonised data to identify targets for new prevention policies  adaptation or development of new Directives l Main goal : statistics for prevention purposes ESAW : main objectives

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 lPublic (e.g. Social security) or private insurance = payment of benefits subject to previous declaration  100% (10 MS) lDeclaration to other competent authority (e.g. Labour Inspectorate)  50% (5 MS) ESAW: 2 types of sources

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 ESAW: type of data

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 Principle to draw up EU harmonised classifications for ESAW Phase 3: l Detailed enough to be effective l Not to complex to be easy to implement l Sufficiently adaptable with national existing tools, and allowing more detailed classifications at national level

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 ESAW data EU15 - All branches

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 ESAW

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 ESAW data 1998 EU15 (+NO) - All branches

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 Other activities of Eurostat on non-occupational injuries Road traffic accidents (1) : l fatalities in 1998 in EU15 l -28% from 1990 (despite increase number cars) l 246 per million cars, 113 per million population l first cause of death people under the age of 40 l 1,7 million persons injured

DG SANCO G/3 - ESTAT E/3 EU Injury statistics - ICE Workshop 04/2001 Other activities of Eurostat on non-occu- pational injuries - Causes of deaths CoD (2) : l Based on the underlying cause indicated in section B of the death certificate (ICD-10) l Standard death rate per persons : è total “external causes” : 61.0 in 1997 (< 120,000 cases) è accidents : 38.3 of wich : transport : falls : poisoning : 1.9 è suicide : homicide : unk : 3.5