 “European Accessibility Requirements in public procurement in the built environment” EDF statements for the Open meeting for mandate 420 phase 1 by Arch.


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Presentation transcript:

 “European Accessibility Requirements in public procurement in the built environment” EDF statements for the Open meeting for mandate 420 phase 1 by Arch. Mitzi Bollani-EDF Representative

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved WHO needs ACCESSIBILITY?  Barriers in the built environment represent one of the most important obstacles to the full and equal inclusion of persons with disabilities in society: 16% of the population in the EU = 80 million European Citizens.  Other groups of the society concern with accessibility needs: children, aged people, pregnant women, people with buggies, people with heavy luggage, people speaking different languages, people with allergy, with problems of blood pressure or continence,…  Everyone, at least once in his life time, faces obstacles in the Built Environment. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved DESIGN FOR ALL is the KEY!  “Design for All is the Key, a NOT negotiable requirement, for ensuring full participation of ALL Citizens in the social and civic life and their free movement within Europe, without any sort of discrimination” Europe Accessible for All - Experts report set up by the European Commission and become Com 650 – 2003 in the European Year of People with Disabilities). Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  Europe and many Member States signed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that recognizes access both as a general principle (art 3) and a standalone provision. Accessibility is a right for persons with disabilities.  EDF therefore sees the expected forthcoming proposal for a European Accessibility Act by the European Commission to be essential, and it is firm on its demands that this act must be legally binding and ambitious in its scope. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved REQUIREMENTS+ASSESSMENT+ PROCEDURES  The new standardization mandate 420 is of great importance. It will potentially be an invaluable tool for implementing access, safety and health to the built environment, through public procurement.  We need consistency and harmonisation across the EU – and ideally worldwide – in relation to the Design for All concept. New DfA Requirements + clear compliance assessment and enforcement procedures undertaken by qualified experts.  Design for All is no longer only a concept that the disability movement is asking for, but is a legal obligation in the work of the European Institutions and should be a requirement in any standardization mandate. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved STANDARDS & LEGISLATION  Standards are a complement to formal legislation at the European level.  Standards should underpin legislation, not replace it. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Accessibility creates values for :  owners : no adaptation- money saved  users : quality of life- autonomy- decrease risk of accident  Industry : new market, costumers satisfaction, fidelity  Institution: public approval and productivity Accessibility saves private and public money for the future and reduces social expenses. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved STANDARDS+ COMPLIANCE  It is important to ensure conformance with standard.  Voluntary standards on accessibility do not lead to effective take up and implementation.  Persons with disabilities want procedures and projects that work and respect the accessibility criteria. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved Expertise+Competence+Partecipation  Fostering expertise of all stakeholders, engineers, architects, constructors, manufacturers, etc., on the needs of Persons with disabilities  Developing an EU-wide scheme of persons competent in Accessibility  Letting people with disabilities participate on an equal basis in the design, implementation and the evaluation phase of any construction project. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved Through the Phase 2 Thanks to the project teams A and B for their substantial work in producing this report, solid basis for the phase 2. EDF will provide more detailed feedback through the written consultation which is currently ongoing, and we trust that our comments as the citizens who depend on accessibility for inclusion and participation in society will be adequately reflected and respected throughout the revision process and all through the phase 2 and beyond, when accessibility will be implemented in practice. Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF

 2005 CEN – all rights reserved Thank you for your attention! Brussels, Wednesday 28 September 2011 Arch. Mitzi Bollani - EDF