Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Go around and interview others and find out how they used to study during school / college. What were their peculiar habits – what strategies / tools worked for them. Starter
Learning styles for that magical effect Until you let me be an 'I‘ the way 'you are', you can never come inside my silence and know me
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Being Effective is being Flexible Communication Flexibility Teaching Flexibility Operating Flexibility
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Three communication channels VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming Richard Bandler and John Grinder
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd How do I do things 1. You are trying to find your way – directions to a place you have been to once before. Run through the process you would typically follow. 2. Sing our national anthem in the tune of “happy birthday to you”. Be aware of how you are doing this. 3. Close your eyes and draw three circles each touching each other (like the one shown below). Be aware of how you are doing this.
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Visual l Asks for verbal instructions to be repeated l Watches speakers’ facial expressions and body language l Likes to take notes to review later l Remembers best by writing things down several times or drawing pictures and diagrams l Is a good speller l Gets lost with verbal instructions l Prefers information to be presented visually l Skillful at making graphs, charts, and other visual displays l Can understand and follow directions on maps l The best way to remember something is to picture it in their head l Follows written instructions better than oral ones. l Good at solving jigsaw puzzles l Looks up when thinking
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Auditory l Follows oral directions better than verbal ones l Would rather listen to a lecture than read the material in a textbook l Understands better when they read aloud l Struggles to keep notebooks neat l Prefers to listen to the radio rather than read a newspaper l Frequently sings, hums or whistles to themselves l Can differentiate between sounds, voices easily l Requires explanations of diagrams, graphs, or maps l Enjoys talking to others l Talks to self l Uses musical jingles to learn things l Would rather listen to music than view a piece of artwork Likes to tell jokes and stories and makes verbal analogies
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Kinesthetic l Reaches out to touch things l Collects things l Talks fast using hands to communicate what they want to say l Constantly fidgeting (e.g. tapping pen, playing with keys in pocket) l Good at sports l Likes to take things apart, put things together Prefers to stand while working l Enjoys working with hands and making things l Likes to chew gum or eat in class l Learns through movement and exploring the environment around them l May be considered hyperactive l Good at finding their way around l Comfortable touching others as a show of friendship (e.g. hugging) l Prefers to do things rather than watching or reading
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Implication 1 Each of one is just different – just like I is I – Just as you are you - Acceptance
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Observing Assignment Dhyan session observe carefully all the children. Observe how each child operates from different channels. Also how the same child may switch channel for different kinds of tasks.
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Implication 2 Being flexible means – we tune into child’s channel – whichever the child is using now (V-A-K)
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Tuning into VAK Assignment 1 Pick up any person in your family - preferably your child (if no child, maybe spouse/ sibling). Now after observing that person's LS; try to change your interactions into his or her channel. See if this helps resolve issues better.
calculatefirmloud and clearpoint of view add(s) upget in touch withgive me your earmind's eye compute(s)get a drift ofheard a voicein light of free your mindsharpwords for wordspicture agreeget a handleearfulfocused go for itget hold ofrings a bellclear do itharddeafimagine two plus twostinkssilenceilluminate distinctmake contacttune outenvision decideheavytune inreveal learnsolidjazzeddawn thinkcatch onharmonizeshow is logicalgraspsound(s)view make(s) sensetouchlistenlook understandfeelhearsee NeutralKinestheticAuditoryVisual
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V A K Assignment - 2 Think of how will you use VAK to teach children the following: VISUALAUDITORYKINESTHETIC Teach the word “sometimes” Different kinds of “Triangles” Periodic Table Rotation of Moon around Earth Kingdoms of the north
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Using V A K Assignment -3 Describe a scene. Record. Listen – note what all channels you used. Re-describe the scene – this time consciously using V-A-K language. Record. Listen – note what all channels you used.
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Learning styles for stylish learning
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Implication 3a Modeling – Copy each other's effective strategy
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd 22 Beats Boles a) , b) , c) 1-2-3, d) 1-2-3, Hear, in this song, the rhythmic pattern being sung and identify which one it is
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Implication 3b Understand which channel (out of V-A-K) is the most effective in learning or doing something
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd V-A-K Implication 3b Spelling Singing Cycling Dancing Finding Directions Hand Writing
Geniekids Learning Resources P Ltd Modeling assignment - 4 Think of something that you have been trying to learn or do - and have not been very good at. First figure out how you are doing it (what v-a-k) are you using Second find out somebody who is good at it. Interview that person to figure out how is he or she doing it - (what v-a-k is being used). See if you would like to use that person's strategy. Did it help or not?
Thank You Ring the bell the way it rings Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in